Looking for patterns - page 300

Andrey Dik:

Don't confuse positive with constructive, they are not the same thing)))

Will do. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you.

Serqey Nikitin:

It's safe to giggle at you...

I have never in any of my posts spoken positively about predicting the future....

On the contrary, I have 'boldly giggled' at the psychics posing as Vanga who are pushing the FUTURE PRICE...

You are a fitting interlocutor for me in the field of trading. It's hard to even find such a specimen on the internet. That's a plus.

"At no time in my post have I ever spoken positively about predicting the future..."

And if you do, it won't come true?????: Or does history show it better **?

That's sarcasm of course. In order to gain anything you have to look one step ahead, not at what someone has already earned.

I'm not talking about "In no post of mine have I ever spoken positively about predicting the future... "

So it was cheating the viewers with fixing your picture on the world wide web?


Thoughts out loud.

Where can I make money?

1. Find a job by chance

2.getting a job in my area of expertise

3. Create and manage jobs yourself.

4. Begging (all kinds of Mahims).

5. And that's where the casino comes in.



Uladzimir Izerski:

So it was cheating viewers with the fixation of your picture on the World Wide Web?

Cheating the viewers was your SIGNAL, with a 90% drawdown, which deflated in three weeks...

Yes, it really was a viewer hoax! I haven't seen such stupid trading in a long time...

A lot of "letters", but in reality - one SEEK... into a puddle...

Serqey Nikitin:

Cheating the viewers was your SIGNAL, with a 90% drawdown, which deflated in three weeks...

Yes, it really was a hoax for the viewers! It's the dumbest trade I've seen in a long time...

A lot of "letters", but in fact one ASHICK... into a puddle...

The wallpaper on the wall always looks prettier for its owner.

And if you're serious?

A successful signal is an object for increased surveillance as a liquidity

And 90% is what kind of change? Vaksakov took more than 40K off the market with this drawdown.

Uladzimir Izerski:

What's 90% - what's the little thing???

Do you really not understand elementary things...?

Drawdown is an indicator of Trader's literacy! The smaller it is, the higher the understanding of the trader in this profession ...

You are not even a beginner ..., but some kind of a Misunderstanding .... (In a word - BALABOL - with a capital letter ...)

Serqey Nikitin:

Do you really not understand elementary things...?

Drawdown is a measure of a Trader's literacy! The smaller it is, the higher is the Trader's understanding of the profession ...

You are not even a beginner ..., but some kind of a Misunderstanding .... (In a word - BALABOL - with a capital letter ...)

You don't even imply that's what I want.

P.s. The power of attraction is greater than the power of rejection. That's what the world's business is built on. Hee hee.
Vladimir Baskakov:
There are no levels there, from the word go!
Oil is worth less than zero, what level has it broken through, common sense?

No, no ....

+ 2 days.

and 2 days is a pretty decent amount of time ....

e.g. the system doubles at most in a day.

it only takes 10 days to get 10k out of 10m ........

three 10s shorter:

Uladzimir Izerski:

a good signal is an object for increased surveillance area as liquidity

I'm still stumped. Clearly not a spherical horse in a vacuum or a quadratic trinomial. But what?

Алексей Тарабанов:

I'm still stumped. Clearly not a spherical horse in a vacuum or a square trinomial. But what?

If 100500 subscribers open at the same time it's ready liquidity bundled up. The guys on waldstreet keep a strict eye on that.