Looking for patterns - page 295

Uladzimir Izerski:

Isn't it scary to live on an island? Won't the waves wash into the sea?)

Everyone around is lying, only one on the island is honest.)

Don't make me laugh this morning.)


Renat Akhtyamov:



Morning is when one wakes up))

I have two mornings today.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Isn't it scary to live on an island? Won't the waves wash into the sea?)

It's not scary, he has a reliable friend - Pozharsky, who will save him if anything happens).


Friends, this is my opinion on the topic of this thread. You should not look for patterns either by trial and error or by using higher mathematics. You will not revolutionise the market like Einstein did in physics. Laws can be searched for all your life, and one out of 1000 will be lucky to find a useful grain, and who knows how much time he will spend on it.

All or almost all useful things have been found before you. For example, the trend entry trade after a pullback. Account for overbought and oversold on the older TFs. Accounting for volatility. Buy low, sell high. Account for and use of levels. Accounting for the time of day when entering. The use of lot manipulation. And to all of this a great many indicators. And perhaps something else I may have forgotten.

Conclusion: it will be more profitable if you spend your time and energy not on searching for regularities, but on development of robots that will most effectively use this legacy of the past.

Of course this is my personal opinion. There are probably some who don't really need profitable robots because they are financially secure. But they are interested in exploration and research, so-called science fans. I have nothing against them, so be it. My advice to those who need to earn extra money and want to eventually create their own profitable robot.

You have to search. And the process of searching is endless. It is analogous to the endless invention of specific modifications to the wheel, lasting for millennia. Nevertheless, each modification of the wheel - is recognised as either the discovery of a new kind of rotational motion (such as torsional motion), or the technical invention of rotational motion, or their rationalisation. And each has its own value.

It is possible, of course, not to look, and to stop there, believing that "everything has already been found before us".

We would have lived quite well if we had settled on a wooden wheel.



at least 1 pattern is confirmed in this thread by practice - wave theory with a large number of orders guarantees a drain at the spread/trade rate :-)


Он не знал велосипеда, слепо верил в чудеса, потому что не изведал всех достоинств колеса


Aleksei Stepanenko:



Valeriy Yastremskiy:


Heredity, variability and natural selection.

And time. Lots and lots of time :)

It's addictive, you can stare for a long time, like watching a fire move in a fireplace.


this is roughly what the advisors look like in the tester

long and agonisingly, the shape of the wheels is adjusted to the roughness of the road

Машина с квадратными колесами
Машина с квадратными колесами
  • 2015.11.28
  • www.youtube.com
Машина будущего. Квадратные колеса лучше приспособлены для движения по отечественным дорогам.