Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 10

Реter Konow:
George, if Life on Earth, evolving, had stalled on the question "who needs me and why?" and similar beings were destroyed on the basis of "bicycles", it would never have come to us).

Can't thrive in any system? - Change and adapt. Still not succeeding? - Try to change the system. Doesn't work? Spit it out and just evolve in your direction. )

Peter, have you ever been a moderator on any psychoanalysis forum?

Yury Kulikov:

Walking or even running after the giants ... You can't catch up with the giants, the stride is too short. You have to take a shortcut here :) That means you have to know which way the giants have gone. Otherwise, by the time you reinvent the wheel, they will have already flown to the stars.

The only way is education! It is necessary to know the actuality, i.e. what has already been done for today and to trample your way ... if you feel that you can.

Yes, you have to take a shortcut. Otherwise, you can't catch up. And the "bicycle" is only on the outside - inside is a different technology altogether. Education in this field is a long and useless road, for those who want to catch up and are trailing far behind. Really useless. New ideas, new philosophies and new technologies are the quick way. But, you have to be self-confident, bold and out of the box thinking. Then there is a chance.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

Peter, have you ever been a moderator on any psychoanalysis forum?

Alas, I have not.
Реter Konow:
George, if Life on Earth, evolving, stalled on the question "who needs me and why?" and similar beings were destroyed on the basis of "bicycles", it would never have come to us).

Can't thrive in any system? - Change and adapt. Still not succeeding? - Try to change the system. Doesn't work? Spit it out and just evolve in your own direction. )

Ha !

Exactly Life on Earth has only evolved by answering the question "who needs me and why", and similar creatures in it are not possible in the long term.

Any change of species is dictated by one single answer "this is the way to leave more prolific offspring".

And if two similar species end up in the same ecological niche - one of them is bound to displace the other.

You gave just a very good example. In this forum the question 'who and why should' always have an answer either 'look, this way you can earn more' or the answer 'look, this way it's easier to earn the same amount'. If there is no answer to this question, the effort will be wasted.

Of course, there's such a thing as the author's Ego. Well... here's the only reason not to answer said questions.

Vijak has an excellent resource editor where you can prepare menus and dialogs. I think it would be more productive to write an rc-file parser that would take the rc and produce mql-code that creates dialogs and controls.
Georgiy Merts:

Ha !

Just Life on Earth has only evolved by answering the question "who needs me and why", and similar creatures in it are not possible in the long term.

Any change of species is dictated by one single answer "this is the way to leave more fertile offspring".

And if two similar species end up in the same ecological niche - one of them is bound to displace the other.

You gave just a very good example. In this forum the question 'who and why should' always have an answer either 'look, this way you can earn more' or the answer 'look, this way it's easier to earn the same amount'. If there is no answer to this question - your efforts will be wasted.

Of course, there's such a thing as an author's ego. Well... here's the only reason not to answer said questions.

George, what's the point of me answering "to whom and why?" if you're going to cross it out anyway? You don't want to understand the answer, and I've given it many times.

An interface is needed for those who want to make their robots more complex by giving them new features. Well, what's not clear?))

You want to make programs with an ant "brain", thinking that algotrading requires no more? - then you don't understand those who seek to accomodate the capabilities of the platform in their EA and make a leap in its development.

You don't understand the romance of development. You only think about the money. I'm thinking about the coolness of the program I'm creating. If I think like you, I'll be fiddling with three indicators. Like a 40-year-old jerk on a potty.) (Nothing personal. Just a humorous comparison.)
Vijak has an excellent resource editor where you can prepare menus and dialogs. I think it would be more productive to write an rc-file parser that would take the rc and produce mql-code that creates dialogs and controls.
I can make menus and dialogs too. Soon everyone will be able to. Without any vijak.
Реter Konow:
I can also prepare menus and dialogues. Soon everyone will be able to. Without any vijak.

how much everyone has pounced. However, I must give you credit for your eloquence. From any situation judging by the dialogue with your head held high - I am sure that some of the readers think you are a programming expert (This is not true, you are a man who is used to paving his own way "reinventing the wheel")

However, I fully share the opinion about the bicycle - especially as a learning material, and I believe that a person has to figure out HASHMAP implementation himself before knowing that one exists, or to figure out that one exists on his own. Nothing teaches like self-criticism and the desire to understand everything in detail.

On this basis, I dare to suggest that in about 5 years you will turn out to be a good specialist. However.... as exemplified by your project.... by March 3, it is possible not just to refine it, but to repeat it with these refinements, rewriting it completely, completely. This is if we touch the level of programming. The only question that stops us is "why do we need it?"))

For you it will be the best experience to finish what you started, and even 1000 times better to force yourself right now to rewrite everything on the objects, yes it will be difficult, there will be a lot of things that are not clear. But it will speed up your work. And it will be the best experience.

Alexandr Andreev:


I am not an expert and I know it. I have never claimed it. But, this is intentional. I don't see the obvious advantage to a specialist in this particular field and in this particular case. Far more chance for the talented and daring self-taught who choose their own path. Yes, bicycles, bicycles... but they are temporary. Until they mature and take a new road. And that's close. This whole studio is needed purely to complete the pumping of my technology, and even though it's a huge bike, it's worth finishing.

And by the 3rd of March, you will have tested the visa editor yourself and been convinced that the thing works. I don't rule out bugs though.

It comes to mind...

You drive quietly along the motorway, occasionally touching the steering wheel of your car. A 300 hp engine rumbles lazily under a cowl, cruise control occasionally winks with messages on a projection display about speed control and road signs. There is a gracefulness all around. In the distance, the blue ridge of low mountains and the fields dotted along the track are where local shepherds on horseback guide flocks of sheep or herds of village cattle. The atmosphere is conducive to quiet reflection on something warm and sunny.

Suddenly the calmness is interrupted by strange clanging, roaring and crashing of metal pots, pans or both... From the corner of your eye you can see on the right something strange happening in the fields - a herd of cows is scattering in different directions in terror. The barking of herding dogs, drowned out by the rumbling of something unknown, merges with the shouts of a mounted herdsman at his cows in an effort to calm the herd and lead it along a long-trodden path.
And then you face a strange, surreal picture: some strange organism (or mechanism - one cannot tell because of dust columns) rumbles across the fields, hopping and creaking on five square wheels, with a propeller on its left side, in a cloud of dust and cows' tails. This monster, making a horrible roar and large clouds of dust and dirt, bouncing and occasionally tumbling now and then onto one or the other side, then shooting something green and smelly from a strange crater in front of its body or body, plows across the field leaving behind a deep smoky muddy furrow on the once green, full of life and goodness field...
When this terrible organism-mechanism disappears beyond the horizon in a cloud of dust and lightning discharges, and frightened birds again cautiously try to sing their trills, and when the clouds of dust and mud raised by the unknown creature finally settle upon the furrow of freshly uprooted earth broken in the field, the electronic map of the front projection screen suddenly displays a new, earlier absent object - a road going straight through the field, into the distance - straight into the mountains.
And this road is signed on the electronic map of the country's roads as "The way of the talented and daring self-taught man"...