Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 2

Igor Makanu:

is there or will there be crowdsourcing in this project?

I think you are looking for testers, not those who will join together and "finish the code" to production (even if the code is free).

There will be. The builder is not a commercial product and it WILL NOT BE commercial!

I'm giving the community my builder and engine and markup language, for free use.

This is a branch of testing and functionality improvement, to maximize the quality.

I invite you to join.

I'll post the open source code of the builder in an hour and start testing.

by 20k code, I guess the manual will be multivolume? from the first post it looks more complicated than the standard libraries.
Igor Makanu:

is there or will there be crowdsourcing in this project?

I think you are looking for testers, not for those who will join together and "finish the code" in production (even if the code is free).

There will be no crowdsourcing in this project. Peter just likes the word.

Igor Zakharov:
I guess the manual will be multi-volume for 20 thousand code? it looks more complicated than the standard libraries in the first post.

Well, there is a certain complexity, but I will find all the bugs I find. This task falls to me. The rest of you need to use the markup language, write your own GUI and report bugs.

Teaching materials for the markup language will be provided as we go along.

Tell me which gui you need and we will write it step by step, then test it, find problems and I will fix them.

Maxim Kuznetsov:

there will be no crowdsourcing in this project. Peter just likes the word

You're not quite right. For example, if someone writes interesting code for rendering shadows, shapes, gradients, I will include it in the engine and the constructor and the gui will acquire new properties.

It is impossible to make an absolute crowdsourcing because there has to be a centre. Someone who knows the subject best and coordinates development.


Well, I don't know, I don't know..... who would want to do something that is not clear and not clear why and not clear at all?

Programmers are very lazy people and who do not like to rummage in other people's code, and when there is no code at all, the programmer's laziness begins to self-excite and resonate, causing gravity waves (God was so lazy that he just blew up a bomb and ALL sprouted self and self-wise). Moral - let's wait for the engine to develop itself.

Just today, I got a call, I am answering the line with a very nice-sounding voice in my ear saying that I have to give 15 minutes for answering questions about the quality of communication of mobile operators! - to which i asked a simple question "what is my interest to spend 15 minutes of my precious life on the fact that someone will benefit from it on the services that i will consume?" (actually the meaning of my question is more obscene than it could be uttered in decent society), the lady hung up without saying anything and showed the utmost degree of rudeness.


I am interested.

But how to apply it usefully, I haven't decided yet.

I need some illustrative demonstration pieces. The more the better.

About lazy programmers is spot on.
Due to the fact that the forum is technical, this project should be of interest. Something so that people can develop their abilities in terms of gui

Of course it should all be in 2020.
But it should be an easy start for a fine-tuned algorithm.

Explaining a complex system to users is very difficult.

I.e. there has to be a twist that hooks and engages.

But nowadays there is so much to do that we are always lazy to take apart a new project.
This laziness needs to be overcome by something......

The engine of success is mass.
Uladzimir Izerski:
The engine of success is mass.
