Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 12


As Einstein said, it is not education that matters, but the depth of enthusiasm (something like that)

Any examples? I'm not talking about Mendeleev's time...

Yury Kulikov:

And are there any examples? I don't mean the time of Mendeleev...

Einstein himself, he was not educated)

I agree with his theory too

Doctors should of course be educated))


Einstein himself, he was not educated)

The answer is expected :) wait for more options ...

For those imbued with education, self-education becomes a life force, and Einstein included ...

Реter Konow:
Early. On the 3rd we can speak out on the specific outcome. Of course, some will probably be frightened by the "monster", but those who are braver will give an objective assessment. (As far as it stinks and "falls on the side"). Let's see.

The project itself doesn't stink at all - the bugs are elsewhere,

Types of implementations of your product:

Final version

Option 1: Simply generate code with buttons which we plug in to generate static menus

option 2: add support for dynamically writing code into the buttons, telling them what to send to what when and where.... so it should not be difficult to implement. You can get away from the terminal to create something in an external environment too.

variant 3: something which I obviously cannot imagine as I am not the author, as well as everyone who is not the author. But this something must be a couple of orders of magnitude more complicated than everything written above.

In all variations, the full functionality of creating the menus themselves is meant.

In any case, the experience is invaluable as practice.

Your project looks massive to you due to your not very good programming skills - so the code would be 10 times less ... really 10 times less. ... How many lines are there 20 000 - 40 000? It would be 2000-4000. And it wouldn't seem like a monster anymore. Just a program.

And creativity has nothing to do with it - it's just easier to read less code - and a programmer usually reads his code 20 times before writing something once.

SZS: Consider, for example, an article by one of the forum moderators (also not a professional programmer)... The layout of the articles is good even superfluous, as a result there are about 1000 lines of code where you should have written about 40 and it would have been much clearer.

However, you may envy the enthusiasm and purposefulness.

Mistakes: not wanting to study other people's approaches to similar issues, understanding how to implement them.

It should be understood that many participants of this forum disagree with MT libraries and rewrite them. i.e. they evaluate them, understand their code, see what they disagree with and rewrite them. But after fully understanding the workings

)))) familiar phrases or something?))

sorry, deep in thought in my head)))

No, a familiar face (not a fact, I wouldn't have asked if I was completely sure). But judging by the fact that Peter steadily ignored that question of mine, it's very likely he did. And Peter?

Yury Kulikov:

The answer is expected :) wait for more options ...

For those imbued with education, self-education becomes a life force, and Einstein included ...

There is one thing no one understands here. In this case, education has nothing to do with it. It's about something else altogether. Education follows ideas, not the other way round. People invent something first, and then they make it into a decent form. They systematize their knowledge. Those who have absorbed chewed up masses of information have only "touched" the original invention, but have not yet grasped its deeper essence. Nor have they become inventors themselves. Of course, doctors or pilots are required to have systematized knowledge and its quality is critical, but there is no creativity in these professions. Programming, unlike surgery, provides the freedom to be creative. Especially, here, in the near-market niche. Here you can invent and do not have to know everything.

Invention has independent properties. You invent, you start to implement it, and it's off. Like an explosion, the processes accompanying the realisation of certain ideas cannot be stopped, and any attempt to move away from them to "get back into the old shoes" is foolish and pointless.
Alexandr Andreev:

The project itself does not stink at all

You haven't had a chance to familiarise yourself with the project yet. I will explain: all the necessary solutions for a complete GUI are already in place. There is a markup language and the ability to connect the gui written through an api file to the user application. Now is the stage to move to a visual editor. It remains to add the specific functionality of its work. All other basic solutions are complete.

Реter Konow:
Здесь никто не понимает одной штуки. ....

... You can invent here and you don't have to know everything.

Are these people uneducated? Right? ...

... So you can rub your "invention" in the uneducated?

Yury Kulikov:

Are we uneducated here? So...?

... So you can rub your "invention" in the uneducated?

So why manipulate...
Реter Konow:
So why manipulate...

Where's the manipulation?