Crowdsourced GUI. Open beta testing. - page 14


That's him. I saw him. Sketched a sketch. The meeting was short - he was rambling hard and I didn't understand much, but when he showed two threes and a twenties on the crooked display, stained with loose dirt, I knew it was the date. Then, disappeared in the dust it had raised itself, as if it had never existed.

He would appear.


Auxiliary markings.

I will also add a grid and some gimmicks.


Properties window.


Just wait till Peter eventually kicks everyone's ass at this rate.

ZS if the PLO can saddle up, of course.

Nikolai Semko:

Just wait and see, Peter will end up beating everyone at this rate.

ZS if, of course, the PLO can get a grip.

Honestly, Nikolai, I've long tolerated unfair assessments of my work. Everyone judges it by its code style. I didn't have an opportunity to demonstrate the real power of my approach and had to prove something with words. Even when I published a markup language it didn't help either. People didn't manage to estimate things adequately. Now, everything will be different. The visual editor will give us a "feel" for the real result and everyone will see it for themselves. This time, the assessment will be objective. The image of "alienstrielsic" I will break on the line.


Peter, the problem isn't the people, you've failed to properly assess

We can discuss it here, I've got half an hour to do it.

you can try your enthusiasm against mine
Реter Konow:

Peter, but the main question is still open.
How to use your creation for common user?

Of course, I don't see any engine or kernel, I just see a plugin library and an mqh file that generates your Visual Constructor (made as an ordinary indicator, well, or EA).

In my opinion, it should look like this:

//|                                                 TestPeterGui.mq5 |
//|                        Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//|                                    |
#property copyright "Copyright 2018, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link      ""
#property version   "1.00"
#include "myGUI.mqh"        // это файл сгенерированный визуальным конструктором, он содержит 
                            // созданный экземпляр класса CGuiFromPeter с именем myGUI, который 
                            // и есть уже созданный в визуальном конструкторе ГУИ, который может 
                            // состоять из любого количества окон 
#include <GuiFromPeter.mqh> // это главная библиотека, которую необязательно указывать, т.к. эта строка может быть в предыдущем файле

int OnInit()
   myGUI.init();  // возможно это не обязательно

void OnDeinit(const int reason)
   myGUI.deinit();  // возможно это не обязательно

void OnTick()
   MqlRates rates[];
   int start_pos=0,count=1;
   if(CopyRates(_Symbol,_Period,start_pos,count,rates)!=count) return;
   if ([0].ChecBox[2].isCheck())[1].TextLabel[5].text  =  DoubleToString(rates[0].close,_Digits);
   if ([1].ChecBox[3].isCheck())[1].TextLabel[6].text  =  DoubleToString(rates[0].high,_Digits);

void OnTimer()

void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)

that way, at least, everything will be obvious and understandable. And any even a beginner programmer can start using it from the first day.

SZY even better to replace elements of arrays of objects ( for example TextLabel[6]) by defines, which will be in myGUI.mqh already more understandable names - for example hight_price_of_last_bar

Nikolai Semko:

Peter, but the main question remains open.
How does an ordinary user use your creation?

Of course, I don't see any engine or kernel, I just see a plugin library and an mqh file that generates your Visual Constructor (made as an ordinary indicator, well, or EA).

In my opinion, it should look like this:

that way, at least, everything will be obvious and understandable. And any, even a novice programmer can start using it from day one.

That's what it looks like. Since the time of the markup language. That's exactly the connection in the description.

Реter Konow:

That's what it looks like.

i.e. are you already rewriting the code into classes?