Registration as a Company


Today I noticed a notation in the Published Products from the vendor:

If you want to register as a company, contactService Desk

Where can I find out more, Service Desk is silent...

Who has already gone through the procedure, how is it different from the Vendor?

I guess the only difference is that you don't reveal your first and last name.
Dmitry Fedoseev:
I guess the only difference is that you don't reveal your name.

I am assuming that it would look different, such as concluding a contract and transferring profits to the company's account.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

I am assuming that it would look different, such as concluding a contract and transferring profits to the company's account.

And the entrepreneur also has a P/C

Alexandr Gavrilin:

I am assuming that it will look different, for example, concluding a contract and transferring the profits to the company's account.

"You do the math.

profit (+) is "income" minus "costs".

Alexandr Gavrilin:

Who has already gone through the procedure, how is it different from the Seller?

There is no difference between the Seller and the Vendor, except for the form of ownership - a legal entity and a physical person with all the legal and tax nuances.

Vladislav Andruschenko:
And the entrepreneur also has a P/C

Yes, but there is no withdrawal to a P/B account :-( that's why I'm interested in registering as a company to withdraw here.

I have an idea now, as a variant to issue a card for the ip account and withdraw to it, in my bank there is such a possibility, but whether it is possible to receive transfers to it I do not know yet, I will specify.

ps. option did not pass

Cardpay refuses to transfer to the virtual IP card Visa Business :-( it's a pity, such a convenient solution could have been.

Alexandr Gavrilin:

Yes, but there is no withdrawal to a P/B account :-( that's why I'm interested in registering as a company to withdraw here.

I have an idea now, as a variant to issue a card for the ip account and withdraw to it, in my bank has such an opportunity, but whether it is possible to receive transfers to it still do not know, I will specify.

ps. option did not pass

Cardpay refuses to transfer to the virtual IP card Visa Business :-( it's a pity, such a convenient solution could have been.

The business card will not at all, if you transfer by its number.

That is, you cannot top up such a card using its number (as we are used to doing with the cards of individuals). This card can only be credited from the current account of an individual entrepreneur.

Proven in sberbank, tinkov and alfa-bank. I think it's the same everywhere.

No matter how you look at it, non-cash profits have to go through a current account.

Evgeniy Zhdan:

You cannot withdraw money to a business card at all if you transfer by its number.

In other words, you cannot top up such a card using its number (as we are used to doing with individual cards). This card can only be recharged from the current account of an individual entrepreneur.

Proven in sberbank, tinkov and alfa-bank. I think it's the same everywhere.

No matter how you look at it, you've got to run the profits through a checking account.

So I'll wait for an answer from Service Desk to see if it's possible to conclude an agreement with a withdrawal to the P\c.

Aleksandr Volotko:

The Seller is not different from the Vendor, well, except for the form of ownership - a legal entity and a physical person with all the legal and tax nuances.

for example, it would be possible to register the plant in mql5 as a legal entity

Dmitry Fedoseev:
Probably the only difference is that your first and last name is not lit.

The name is still lit up there.