ZigZags, waves, trends. - page 5

Uladzimir Izerski:

Don't lie so blatantly.) Everyone here is observant.

Look at your drawings post and find the same parameters.))))

:)))) You don't get it! The first figure is a standard zig-zag, and the second figure I drew with my hands to demonstrate that when constructing trend waves, only those waves that are better than the previous ones should be taken into account.

I.e., the zig-zag is a herring in a barrel, hanging back and forth by itself. And trend waves show its development, no new extremes means there is something wrong with the trend.

Alexey Viktorov:

Why do you have to lie? Maybe it's an unusual ZZ.

ZZ is one, but there are two drawings.)

Uladzimir Izerski:

It is my understanding that several are sketched out with different parameters. All fit into the allocated indicator parameters.

It is possible to build such a structure in one. What is the interest to be found?

I saw such ideas more than ten years ago, but no one found any advantage in it. And the interest faded.

No. It's not a ZZ. It's an indicator written to order. Once upon a time, quite a long time ago, I read about something like this. Back then it was called "short, medium and long term impulses". And here it's asked for as many as 5 levels. The smallest one doesn't show up.

Alexey Viktorov:

No. It's not a ZZ. It's an indicator written to order. Once upon a time, quite a long time ago, I read about something like this. Back then it was called "short-, medium- and long-term impulses." And here it's asked for as many as 5 levels. The smallest one doesn't show up.

Looked more closely at the drawing.

There's a pulse stopped on the history. Banal ZZ in my opinion. No progress can be seen. People have tramped all over it. They haven't found anything.


Come on... Five pages... and nothing but water, nothing but bickering. I'm getting more and more pissed off at the visitors to this forum. Especially the salesmen and the signalers... just to write something... fuck...

Vladimir Baskakov:
Such a question about the much loved kanals.
You've found him, all right. But what do you do with it? Is it a correction channel or a trend change channel? What is it for?

If I see a wave, I can assume that there must be a channel in the wave.

Here is the picture. The main channel is blue There may be a corrective channel from the smaller TFs red.

Probability of a wave reversal.


Maxim Kuznetsov:

and really...just so it's not all water

(my opinion which may differ from the author of this thread)

how to zigzag.

Actually it is all the same :-) depending on your view of a particular instrument and timeframe.
Only one requirement - the typical number of bars of a ZZ knee (wave) should be quite large.
So that you can deliberately look for a channel, levels and so on inside. In my trade I get a typical number of about 80 bars.

Otherwise (with short knees) you get a tool that measures volatility, and that's a whole other song.

I see your interest in the subject.

Unfortunately for some colleagues, I do not use standard ZZ.

I do not need much for the analysis, 7 knees are enough. No more is needed.

All important information lies in this range.


Come on... Five pages... and nothing but water and bickering. I'm getting more and more pissed off at the visitors to this forum. Especially the salesmen and the signalers... just to write something... fuck...

It would be nice to hear intelligent things from your side.

ZZ affects the price or the price on ZZ?

Your answer would be an assessment of your knowledge of the subject.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It would be nice to hear some clever things from your side.

Does ZZ affect the price or does the price affect ZZ?

Your answer would be an assessment of your knowledge of the subject.

The tail is wagging the dog. :)

You create a topic, be kind and make your point in a short period of time. Otherwise, everything turns into another bullshit, which is already on the level of this forum, where you pay for posts.

You have already got the sixth page, and it's not clear what you wanted to say.

The price affects the readings of absolutely all indicators. Please don't write that you have a different opinion, it would be over the top.))

I spent half a day in the national library today, gaining knowledge... now I feel like a serious and smart guy... don't spoil the mood))

Maxim Kuznetsov:

Unfortunately for some colleagues, I don't use a standard ZZ either :-) by the way and the angles come out almost as by definition...not much variation - almost the same

Ooh. That's cool then. I can even guess how you do it).

Secrets to give away prematurely.


This approach is more reliable, but lags far behind.