ZigZags, waves, trends. - page 38


What is all this really for?

And if you look at the chart at 200 100 I see a clear classic upwards trend. It's fading to some extent, but it's up.

And even with the value of 35, where I am already starting to zoom in on the chart, there are no clear signs of a reversal.

And here is 12, under the microscope so to speak for this TF. It has a life of its own there.

Analysis of TF H4 is suitable for the medium-term trading. Weeks to months.

We need intraday or a day or two. Here 1-15 minute TF is suitable. But do not forget about the older ones.

Uladzimir Izerski:

What is all this really for?

And if you look at the chart at 200 100 I see a clear classic upwards trend. It's fading to some extent, but it's up.

And even with the value of 35, where I am already starting to zoom in on the chart, there are no clear signs of a reversal.

And here is 12, under the microscope so to speak for this TF. It has a life of its own there.

Analysis of TF H4 is suitable for the medium-term trading. Weeks to months.

We need intraday or a day or two. Here 1-15 minute TF is suitable. But do not forget about the older ones.

Interesting scaling. It depends on parity and magnitude. It is a little different to ZZ.

What does the difference between the first bottom and top mean?

I don't understand the logic without the insides)

Uladzimir Izerski:

What is all this really for?

And if you look at the chart at 200 100 I see a clear classic upwards trend. It's fading to some extent, but it's up.

And even with the value of 35, where I am already starting to zoom in on the chart, there are no clear signs of a reversal.

And here is 12, under the microscope so to speak for this TF. It has a life of its own there.

Analysis of TF H4 is suitable for the medium-term trading. Weeks to months.

We need intraday or a day or two. Here 1-15 minute TF is suitable. But do not forget about the older ones.

Wait, is the drawing and numbering of tops automatic? If so, there is a constant shifting and renumbering of tops as new ones appear. How do you determine the first pulse?

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

interesting scaling. depends on parity and magnitude. A little different to ZZ.

What does the difference between the first bottom and top mean?

I don't understand the logic without the insides)

The parity does not affect the result. It is a coincidence.

And the difference between the first bottom and the top is the percentage of correction or momentum from the previous wave.


Wait, is the drawing and numbering of vertices automatic? If so, there is a constant shift and renumbering of vertices as new ones appear. How do you determine the first pulse?

Yes, it is automatic drawing and numbering of vertices .

But the nodes do not change as the price changes. Except, of course, for the first one. It will always be unknown, but already assumed with high probability.

There are no such computational tools in the world to detect with high accuracy the pivot point in the future up to a pip.

But even your interlocutor can predict with high probability. )


For those who are familiar and used to Ellitt's theory. It will be important.

Ellitt's theory is outdated and does not fulfil its primary hopes

The waves in my view are counted from the zero bar (this is a new view of reality), but the pattern of four waves will contain a sequence of the opposite. That is, the first number (from left to right) of the pattern would be the 4th wave, the second the 3rd wave, the third the 2nd wave, and the last the first incomplete wave.

This is important, who will move with me. I will not repeat myself further.


It's not a bad thing to remember this morning's story with the pound shown.

Maybe someone will have some thoughts))

That the trend should be respected.


So far, I do not see anyone willing to join in an interesting process.

Perhaps there are no more guys from our yard))).


Analysis is a running engine for the trade.

You won't get very far with the engine running.

Is the scoreboard in the bottom left corner another indicator?
Uladzimir Izerski:

Yes, it's automatic drawing and numbering of vertices .

Wait, I am interested in a technical question; how do you recognize the vertex numbers in the automatic, i.e. how do you determine N1 now or N4 of the past trend, is there some kind of auxiliary tool like a dashboard to determine the trend, is there some kind of visual example of patterns, are there any numerical values of each wave as a percentage or something???