Quantum analysis Duca - page 72


The currency market is easier to predict than the stock market. The price of shares depends on the state of affairs in the issuing company, the possibility of merger-acquisition etc..

The price on the currency market depends on the flow of money from one currency to another.

To explain it figuratively, it goes like this.

Imagine that each currency is a liquid tank, which is connected by pipes with pumps, placed on one plane. But each reservoir has different volume, different diameter.

If a part of a reservoir starts to pump in or out, the level of liquid in other reservoirs will start to change.

It does not make sense to analyse just one currency pair, be it Duk's quantum analysis or any other methods.

On history, the analysis of one pair is confirmed, while in the future it is difficult to grasp, because the news background at the pumps plays a role.

The comprehensive approach is a complete picture of the market situation.

The market is predictable as the flow of money is visible at every point in time.

Duc is doing very well in Switzerland))

but there's no proof that it's the same Duca...

Duk is doing very well in Switzerland))

Are you in Switzerland?
Maxim Kuznetsov:

Good illustration from ter.ver, but again, what has Duca got to do with it?

In the picture - SB, a typical sampling trajectory, expectation and variance lines.The equations of these lines are known to everyone here, almost since the early days of forex.

We take 100500 wanderings, select 10% with the best result and get these trajectories and lines.

Well, you know what Duca has to do with it... One saw an equity chart in quantum price and accused inexperienced traders of cheating, you saw probability theory. A very broad-minded local audience...

This is supposedly the only good point in the teaching of Quantum Cult of Star Wisdom Dukk - a concept of a cocoon and regularity of its development rate, but the sensible idea immediately falls apart, gets stuck in dogmatism, without being developed into a structural study, and unfortunately the author does not even bother to ask himself whether a renko-graph (okay, a quantum graph if you like) is really better than traditional timeframes, The dogmatism and categorical approach to writing do not even allow to ask this question, let alone check it numerically, while the "quantum" graph breaks the time structure and therefore the time root regularity becomes a pale shadow (like channels), and why should we consider fixed increments instead of, say, exponential or logarithmic scale? - for example log-returns have long ago become canonical in science, - also no explanations... And besides the question, that the degree of a cocoon is not always 0.5 - this question is also not considered, the question of a trend component of a slanting cocoon and the model time of action is not considered, the question of counter-cocoons is not considered, and the question of persistence/anti-persistence character important for trading is not considered either, because any occult trader knows that if the process is similar to a Wiener one, i.e. one cannot make profit opening from borders, because random walks n Unsuccessful situations in dogmatic cults are simply not considered, they are passed over in silence or with explanations like "okay, sometimes it doesn't coincide, and such a simple question - to count how many situations coincided and how did not coincide - of course, doesn't arise, maybe it is some protective action of adepts' psyche which protects their mania-world from destruction by harsh facts, because then they can not continue their ritualized ceremony and searching of the Profound Meaning...

And from the point of view of normal sensible thechanalysis both cocoons and channels can be quite good figures, and relying on patterns of expansion rates and volatility analysis are quite worthwhile pursuits...

The method is based strictly on quantum mechanics. No need to ruminate, just tumble through the quanta.
Uladzimir Izerski:

The currency market is easier to predict than the stock market. The price of shares depends on the state of affairs in the issuing company, the possibility of merger-acquisition etc..

The price on the currency market depends on the flow of money from one currency to another.

To explain it figuratively, it goes like this.

Imagine that each currency is a liquid tank, which is connected by pipes with pumps, placed on one plane. But each reservoir has different volume, different diameter.

If a part of a reservoir starts to pump in or out, the level of liquid in other reservoirs will start to change.

It does not make sense to analyse just one currency pair, be it Duk's quantum analysis or any other methods.

On history, the analysis of one pair is confirmed, while in the future it is difficult to grasp, because the news background at the pumps plays a role.

The comprehensive approach is a complete picture of the market situation.

The market is predictable as the flow of money is visible at every point in time.

I have some bad news for you...

the spillover theory doesn't work

it's better to go to the factory.

More accurately of course capital spillovers exist objectively, but it has a non-linear effect as the rate shift is not from the absolute volume of bids, but from the differential of their volumes in a particular interval, and you still don't get an adequate view of all volumes unless you work in BOA/CB/MS/JPM/DB/... and even if you were working there, you won't be able to see future volumes if someone should want to trade... so it's all futile... all is futile...

The method is based strictly on quantum mechanics. No need to rant, just roll over the quanta.

Yes, yes, that's what all the sectarians say

The method is based strictly on quantum mechanics. No need to ruminate on the tree, just overturn the quanta.

Duk has no quantum mechanics.

It's clear to any educated person

there is only a barbaric attempt to imitate quantum mechanics designed for villagers or simply poorly educated citizens

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Are you in Switzerland?

maybe he's even Duca himself )))))))))))))

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

It is obvious that you are a theorist and do not know how to trade. You wouldn't have written such things.

You have to open an order with a big lot and wait many months for it to close with a profit. If you divide your profit by months, it will become very small. And you should not forget about swaps.

And what happens if your chosen pair goes only in one direction and only against you for several years, with small reversals.

During trading, when you saythat the chart just mirrors the downward trend, it often happens that the price turns around halfway and goes up. Then what will your theory do?

In forex no pattern works, because you do not know when the pattern starts and when it ends, so you have to act according to the circumstances.

And you don't need to show anything on a chart that is already in the past.

There's a lot to come up with on fixed charts.

And if you ask a typical sectarian - let's show it on real live data - he'll get angry, hissy, scold, accuse of mistrust, rush with quotes and nothing will happen.

let's check: in 100 pages there will be exactly the same rotten crap and dogmatic religious liturgies to Duca, the greatest prophet of trading