Quantum analysis Duca - page 30



For a quantum price, as for any other quantum system, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle must be valid. The corresponding Duck uncertainty formula has the form:



ΔR is the uncertainty of the price coordinate in Duk space,

q - is a numerical coefficient equal to √2 for ideal input data,

r - is the value of price quantum

n - quantum number.

Thus, it is very easy to calculate the width of the channel, as the coordinate uncertainty is the width of the current trend channel.

Now it becomes realistic to predict the possible direction of further price movement by calculating the allowed movement channels. Let me remind you that in quantum systems arbitrary movements are impossible, but there is a set of admissible variants which are calculated according to formulas:


n α, n β, n γ, n abc - are quantum numbers of admissible channels of future price movement ,

R n - current trend value ,

n - quantum number of the current trend .

An alpha channel pointing in the opposite direction to the current channel always exists, since its sub-rectangular expression is always positive.

The same cannot be said, however, for the beta and gamma channels whose direction of movement is the same as the original channel. The expression under the root can be negative under certain combinations of parameters, which means that these channels cannot exist. In this case a degenerate abc channel will be formed whose quantum number will be twice the quantum number of the current trend.

So, when price leaves the current channel it can not move arbitrarily it has a choice of four channels, one with a reversal in the opposite direction and the others in the same direction. A gamma channel is usually formed before a trend reverses.

Continued follows...

Let's check what happens:


Correct the error in the formula

and continue the examination.


With the other input data, we get:



Correct the error in the formula

and continue the examination.

Олег avtomat:

Correct the error in the formula

and let's get on with it.

you don't understand anything


Let's brush up on the formulas a little bit:



By denoting X, Y, we get an easily observable structure:


(check with the previous case of input data - everything is correct)

With the previous input data we have:

X is the base value around which, according to this theory, everything should revolve:



In my mind:


Am I thinking correctly?

Олег avtomat:

In my mind:


Am I thinking correctly?

Happy to save this page.

Thank you, Oleg!

Renat Akhtyamov:

Happy to save this page.

Thank you, Oleg!

You're welcome! ;)