Quantum analysis Duca - page 67

Nikolai Semko:

Hey, why don't you sleep at night?

Insomnia tormenting you? Nervousness? Still wondering how to defeat your enemies?

Let me remind you of your little tricky way out of the stove:

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Duke's Quantum Analysis

Nikolai Semko, 2019.11.03 18:30

I never cease to be amazed at people's ability to see in others only what is in themselves.
And this doesn't just apply to a person's bottom line, but also to their top line.

Some people's upper boundary is at the bottom next to the lower boundary, and therefore they are only able to see the negative in others.
But there are some who have the lower boundary at the top, coinciding with the upper boundary. The brightest of them all is Christ.

So much for your natural lying face, hypocrite.

Nikolai Semko:

I'm telling the truth...

I don't think you understand exactly what you are "saying"...

Олег avtomat:

Nikolai Semko:

It makes me sad when two intelligent people argue. Don't forget that of the two arguing, the one who is smarter is wrong.

Олег avtomat:

Let me remind you of your "cunning" exit from behind the stove:

So much for your true lying face, hypocrite.

What does my lying face show?:))
My bottom line is far from up. That's a fact I know myself.
It's about your bottom line, which is somewhere very far down.
When have you ever said something positive about someone? Can you remember?

I'm just really mad at you for insulting people while feeling very right and proper. And I will put you in your place from now on if the moderators won't do it.


It makes me sad when two intelligent people argue. Don't forget that of the two arguing, the one who is smarter is wrong.

For me, it's controlled drift. It's controlled stupidity. It's complete calm inside me.
I don't want to pass ignorance today. But tomorrow I probably will.

Nikolai Semko:

To me, it's controlled drivel. It is controlled stupidity. It's a complete calm inside me.
Today I don't want to pass by ignorance. But tomorrow I probably will.

It doesn't sound like ignorance, the man is clearly educated. Rude maybe, but you're not polite either).


It doesn't sound like ignorance, the man is clearly educated. Rude maybe, but you're not polite either).

towards him, yes. I don't. But in general, I'm a polite enough person. But it's hard for me to be tolerant of intolerance. That's my problem.

It's all about being polite. I don't like to judge the education of others, even if I see that it doesn't smell of education.

I have one simple quite telling criterion for politeness in this forum.

I go into a person's "All posts" and type in the word "thank you" in the search for their posts.

He has one thank you for 93 posts. That's outstanding impoliteness. Try looking for anyone with worse results than him and it will be difficult.
By the way, fxsaber has a result of one thank you per 27 posts, although it would seem - well, who can he thank, because everyone should thank him.

Nikolai Semko:

towards him, yes. I don't shine. But in general, I'm a fairly polite person. But it's hard for me to be tolerant of intolerance. That's my problem.

I'm talking about being polite. I don't like to judge the education of others, even if I see that it doesn't smell of education.

I have one simple quite telling criterion for politeness in this forum.

I go to "All posts" of a person and in search of his posts I type in the word "thank".

He's got one thank you for 93 messages. That's outstanding impoliteness. Try looking up anyone with a result no better than his and you'll see they're all very impolite people.
By the way, fxsaber has only one thank you per 27 posts, although he seems to be the one to thank, everyone should thank him.
Let everyone check their own credibility, compare it with the average and think about what they are doing wrong, because we are social creatures.

Frequency of "thank you" is not the best criterion. You can say "thank you" a hundred times and then call someone a moron. Now, that one insult can outweigh 100 "thank yous".


The frequency with which you say 'thank you' is not the best criterion. You can say 'thank you' a hundred times and then call someone a moron. Now, that one insult can outweigh 100 "thank yous".

That's the thing, more than 1 percent of insults like moron, idiot, etc. on the entire forum belong to Oleg Avtomat. You can check it. But there are far more than 100 people on this forum.
And by the word "rubbish" he is the undisputed leader - almost 10 per cent of all the words "rubbish" on the forum are his. It occurs with him twice as often as the word thank you.

So if he's more in control of his tongue after this "bickering", it's a good thing I'm doing it for a reason.

MODERATORS, please bring back Max Dmitrievsky!!!

Nikolai Semko:

That's the thing, more than 1 per cent of the insults like moron, idiot, etc. on the whole forum belong to Oleg Avtomat. You can check it. But there aren't 100 people on this forum.
And by the word "rubbish" he is the undisputed leader - almost 10 per cent of all the words "rubbish" on the forum are his. It occurs with him twice as often as the word thank you.

So if, after this "squabble", he's going to have more control over his tongue, it means I'm not doing it for nothing.

MODERATORS, please bring back Max Dmitrievsky!!!

I join in. Smart man. Better ban the spammers.