Quantum analysis Duca - page 29

Yuriy Zaytsev:

Tried to find it in the lists, didn't see it.




No answer.



Dukascopy SEO Andre Duka


Dukascopy SEO Andre Duka

The usual whistleblowing, with no proof that this document has anything to do with him...

Legend has it that it was his father, but there is no confirmation of that...


The usual whistleblowing, with no proof that this document has anything to do with him...

the legend says it was his father, but there's no confirmation...

Have you tried Yandex instead of legend?


Gentlemen Analysts and traders!

Examination of the forum has shown that Duke's quantum analysis has been undeservedly neglected.


Well, at least in the thread that you opened and devoted to this very analysis, pay at least a little attention to it.

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Well, at least in the thread that you opened and dedicated to this very analysis, pay at least a little bit of attention to it yourself.

I post informative messages every day, so I don't accept the claim. Look at the date of my first post. And not responding to the panelists is disrespectful.
I post informational messages every day, so I don't accept the claim. Look at the date of my first post. And not responding to the panelists is disrespectful.

At least show me a couple of these informative messages.



For a quantum price, as for any other quantum system, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle must be valid. The corresponding Duck uncertainty formula has the form:



ΔR is the uncertainty of the price coordinate in Duk space,

q - is a numerical coefficient equal to √2 for ideal input data,

r - is the value of the price quantum

n - quantum number.

It would be nice to behold the derivation of this strange formula directly from the Heisenberg uncertainty relation.

If we say that n (quantum number) is actually the proper time of the system, then the price here is ~ time, and the classic of the genre is price ~ the root of time.

Please explain the physical meaning of this formulaE, or show your own state immediately. Without it I find further reading of Mr Duk's exercises pointless.


It would be nice to see the derivation of this strange formula directly from Heisenberg's uncertainty relation.

If we say that n (quantum number) is actually proper time of the system, then here the price ~ time, and classic of the genre - the price ~ the root of time.

Please explain the physical meaning of this formulaE, or show your own state immediately. Without that, further reading of Mr. Duk's exercises is pointless.

The quantum number determines the rate of change in price, not the intrinsic time. Price is not related to the root of time. The physical meaning is that the channel is the embodiment of the Heisenberg uncertainty zone, i.e. we cannot know exactly how, along which trajectory price will move in the calculated channel. Re-read my post on this issue. You don't have to read it, though, no problem.