Points VS Pips - page 160

Alexey Viktorov:

What is the difference between 0.001 and 0.00001 or 0.01 and 0.0001?

If 0.0001 is a pip, why is 0.01 also a pip?

If it is a minimal value of price change, why 0.001 and 0.00001 is not a pip? After all this is also the minimum value of price change...

Correctly said Renat. This is your religious wars. And don't get in the way of that. I won't either.

No, 0.000000001 is not a point, just a step change in price when discretised for the benefit of the platform and its users. A very necessary and useful metric, but totally inconsistent with the subject area metric of thesame name that MT automates. It is like calling a pound a pound and making all users believe that a pound equals 420 grams.

Алексей Тарабанов:

No, 0.000000001 is not a point, just a step change in price when discretised for the benefit of the platform and its users. A very necessary and useful metric, but totally inconsistent with the same name of the subject area that MT automates. It's like calling a pound a pound and making all users believe that a pound equals 420 grams.

Lieutenant Colonel, push another extended post-explanation (like yesterday)

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Lieutenant Colonel, push another extended post-explanation (like yesterday)

Should I?

It seemed to me that nobody needs an argument here anymore. If there is a step, it means less - no way, and I don't care what exactly we automate.

Actually, no one has ever tried and knows how to automate anything. So, everything is sad, Prince.

Алексей Тарабанов:

Do I have to?

I have to.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I have to.

No, Andrei, I won't do that yet. I am very much counting on MQ's common sense in the first place. There are very few professional traders here, and everyone else is counting on a miracle - I will get rich quick, without any understanding of the subject area. There will be no miracle, there will be a disaster.

Vladimir Baskakov:
Just wondering what the minimum price change on the four digits means.
There is $1 and 99 cents.
The third, fourth digit is what? Points?

The question is to whom?

Alexey Viktorov:

What is the difference between 0.001 and 0.00001 or 0.01 and 0.0001?

If 0.0001 is a pip, why is 0.01 also a pip?

If it is a minimum value of price change, why 0.001 and 0.00001 is not a pip? After all, this is also the minimum value of the price change...

Correctly said Renat. This is your religious wars. And don't get in the way of that. I won't either.

yes, it's all the current minimum value or point in MT.

but then why use the word pips (percentage in point, price interest point) instead of points?






Instead of Points and Pips there should be a Tick.
And then it doesn't matter what instrument and what price step size 0.00001 or 0.25
One Tick and that's it, for all markets.
Oh, man... You could go broke on popcorn alone.
Instead of Points and Pips, it should be Tick.
In this case, it does not matter what instrument it is and what size of a price step it has - 0.00001 or 0.25.
One Tick and that's it, for all markets.

at least have them all renamed unambiguously to point (or pips since they are not involved in wars)