Points VS Pips - page 156

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

Also - I can't understand

they often say - the 4th digit is the 5th digit

but how do they say it and how do they calculate it?

Do the calculation in points. Then there will be no uncertainty. Everything will be absolutely unambiguous.

and it's all in the same terminal

it means that if I change the digits on the 3rd and 5th digit, I have to say these digits differently?

Artyom Trishkin:
Calculate in pips. I do not know what to do with them. I do not want to be misinterpreted, I am sure it will be obvious.

I can't find another word for it.

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

I can't find another word for it.

You can watch as you like. But you can calculate them in certain values. If this value is a pip, all calculations are the same. But if the value is a point, the calculations are ambiguous.
Vitaly Muzichenko:

Refer to reputable sources, e.g. the DMA feed, it says in Russian numbers how much and which pair lost/grew during the trading session.

Maybe they broadcast it out of ignorance, they forgot to read the Point() documentation.

P.S. The distinctive badge "I trade in MT on 5-mark" has not been thought up yet, so we use the terms invented before you and me were born

There was no MT before we were born. And when it appeared, certain terminology was adopted. That's what we need to operate with, at least in this environment.

Artyom Trishkin:
You can look as you like. But the calculation is in terms of certain values. And if this value is a point, then all calculations are the same. But if the value is controversial, the calculations are ambiguous.

Well, the user looks at the terminal and calculates, I think, the numbers in front of him.

Сергей Таболин:

There was no MT before you and I were born. And when it came into existence, certain terminologies were adopted. That is how it should be used, at least in this environment.

Today is Thursday. To operate with generally accepted terms, like all traders in the world and those who provide services, i.e. brokers and dealers

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

Well, the user looks at the terminal and calculates, I think, the numbers in front of him.

and there the points

Aleksandr Klapatyuk:

and there are

No, pepins.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

No, pepins.

No, I don't see it. It says