The Sultonov system indicator - page 93

Сергей Таболин:

If you don't analyse the story, what is there to analyse at all?

Trading on the news. This is also trading on history. Decisions are made after the news release, on the news story.

Let us not indulge in demagoguery. We either help, or we do not interfere.

We are moving in the real market. We help.

No demagoguery or lyrics.

Here is an example. Don't take it as an advertisement.

Here's an IMHO what

can be interpreted differently, some things can be hinged/dismissed... without averaging as in the previous link.

IMHO - this is where to dig... REAL. Demo - no - the speeds are different there.

Сергей Таболин:

About the ticks, the same thing. And don't tell me that one single tick is enough to understand where the price is going.

If you don't analyse history, what is there to analyse?

Trading on the news. This is also trading on history. Decisions are taken after the news release, on the news history.


Analyze price changes in the present.


Сергей Таболин:


And those who only trade by "visually assessing the chart", isn't the chart a story?



Those don't trade, but bitch and piss. Manage to die in/out of the market(s) poor.

Back to Paukas - @ "Everyone pours, those who don't have time to drain, die rich".
Roman Shiredchenko:

Analyse price changes in the present.

Which period from the past shall we consider the present? )))

Сергей Таболин:

Which period of the past shall we consider the present? )))

4 bars, naturally

we can't count more than that yet.

Yousufkhodja Sultonov:

Roman, where in my vocabulary did you see the words: I guess/predict the future from history? There is only guessing. Let me give you an example: In front of you there are two cars - a Mercedes and a Zaporozhets. The question is: which car in the future will cover a greater distance without breaking down? An adequate person will assume that, of course, Mercedes! In fact, nobody knows about future, but, on the basis of history of Mercedes and Zaporozhets, makes a choice confidently in favour of Mercedes. Here is the same thing - if the indicator successfully described the market history, we assume that it will most likely continue its tradition in the future. But there is no 100% guarantee.

So you're evaluating the capabilities of two cars based on name and appearance only? ) What if the Mercedes has a negligent owner, and the Cossack has a diligent one? And what if Mercedes is twenty years older than Zaporozhets, and was assembled in some garage from stolen parts? The picture will not be any clearer )) By the way, the same is true in Forex. ))


So you are judging the capabilities of two cars by their name and appearance only? ) And what if the Mercedes has a negligent owner, and the Cossack has a diligent one? And what if Mercedes is twenty years older than Zaporozhets, and was assembled in some garage from stolen parts? The picture will not be any clearer )) By the way, the same is true in Forex. ))

So? What is the verdict?

Сергей Таболин:

So? What is the verdict?

Actually, the answer is obvious: use the maximum available information to make assumptions about asset price movements. In forex, at most you can get: the price movement history and tick activity (and that within a broker). What you can really use as a marker for predicting price movement is support-resistance levels. In exchange trading, you can get much more information: price movement of an asset, tick activity, market depth, ticker tape, volumes. Yes, and the lack of "kitchen" of the broker.) Using this information in combination, correlation and dynamics, can significantly increase the probability of a correct prediction of an asset's price movement. It's like judging a Mercedes and a Zaporozhets not only by their appearance and name, but also by their internal condition. I guess the verdict is obvious.


In fact, the answer is obvious: use as much information as is available to make assumptions about asset price movements. In forex, the most you can get is price history and tick activity (and that's within a broker). What you can really use as a marker for predicting price movement is support-resistance levels. In exchange trading, you can get much more information: price movement of an asset, tick activity, market depth, ticker tape, volumes. Yes, and the lack of "kitchen" of the broker.) Using this information in combination, correlation and dynamics, can significantly increase the probability of a correct prediction of an asset's price movement. It's like judging a Mercedes and a Zaporozhets not only by their appearance and name, but also by their internal condition. I guess the verdict is obvious.

I am not an expert of trade, and I know that the "golden key" must not be sought, but made by myself, and not as a refutation, but just a thought aloud.

  1. Is there an unambiguous formula for determining the support-resistance levels? And on what TF are they "correct"?
  2. And all of the above is not the use of history?
  3. Why does someone think that "tick activity, stock market depth, strip trades..." is correct, and the use of any formulas to determine support-resistance levels is wrong? - is correct, but using any formulas is wrong?
  4. Why is it that instead of taking an idea, implementing it and proving it wrong, people bend their fingers and "assure" it won't work?

And about the Mercedes and Zaporozhets, one name is enough here ))))

Let us talk constructively. Without lyrical digressions.

Сергей Таболин:

Which period from the past shall we consider the present? )))

:-) And let's - discuss (after all, statistics rules and nobody cancelled it...) and merge these branches I about"From theory to practice", add to URM with its menagerie - sliding observation windows...

"William Gunn himself said that the best indicator of price behaviour is its recent past."