The most banal trading strategy - page 22

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

Everyone is talking about options, but futures, I've missed it.

I'm shaking the cat for... I have already managed to get 9k on a test sample, which is inspiring, but I can feel the fatigue I have accumulated over the years of searching.

If it's 9k on this strategy, there's no need to test here. Everything is obvious. Only he wants a lot of money - for shares and holding the futures position.

And millions of atmospheres is synonymous with millions of degrees,

- It's funny, as my kids say. Take a needle, your wife has a bling ring, or if your wife doesn't have a bling ring, or she has both, but she won't agree to experiment with it, then as a last resort, tempered glass will do. Put the glass, put the needle on it, on the needle gently holding both, put a dumbbell of 10 kg. The pressure of the needle point on the glass will be about 1 million atmospheres. The temperature will remain at room temperature.


- Funny, as my children say. Take a needle, your wife has a bling ring, or if your wife doesn't have one, or she doesn't have a bling ring, or she has both, but she won't agree to experiment with it, then as a last resort the glass is better tempered. Put the glass, put the needle on it, on the needle gently holding both, put a dumbbell of 10 kg. The pressure of the needle point on the glass will be about 1 million atmospheres. The temperature will remain at room temperature.

Kashchei's death is on the tip of the needle there, so he won't give it).


Since this thread is a bit boring for me, I would like to inform interested readers of the triangle ring formula for EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP:

GBPUSD*1*delta(EURGBP) = 1*delta(EURUSD) - EURGBP0*delta(GBPUSD), where EURGBP0 is the ratio of EUR to GBP at the time the trade was opened.

For example, if at a certain moment EURGBP = 0.8500, a transaction buy EURGBP by lot 1 is identically equal (within the squares of differentials, i.e. unnoticeable in trading) to the pair of transactions buy EURUSD by lot 1 and sell GBPUSD by lot 0.85;

or vice versa, a deal sell EURGBP by lot 1 is identically equal to a pair of deals sell EURUSD by lot 1 and buy GBPUSD by lot 0,85.

Only people, who graduated from high school and, preferably, the 1st year of study after high school, will be able to understand why this is so.

However, using this simple equation, no one stops anyone from starting to multiply triangles, presenting summands with new pairs of summands, and finally increasing the size of the ring to 3, 4, 5, 10, or more trades.

Stupid sucker (if 1983 is the year you were born, you're a sucker to me).

I gave you a more general formula in the first place.

Z=K/EURGBP, X =K/(EURUSD), Y=K/(GBPUSD), where K is an arbitrary multiplier,

You simply copied from the Internet its special case (special lot value), where X=1 is arbitrary, from where it follows from my ratios, K= EURUSD, therefore (from my ratios)



Why did I think you rewrote it? Because you didn't even have the brains to understand that we are talking about the same thing and make the elementary conversion of coefficients I gave you.


Aleksey Ivanov:


Silly Grandpa, I have no desire to enter into a discussion with you (especially discussion implies at least a relative equality of intelligences). So I will confine myself to one remark, though what you have written stretches into several. Well, you have just publicly crowed that Y (in my notation) = EURGBP, i.e. changes with time, while with me (and correctly) Y = EURGBP0 - i.e. a constant (equal to EURGBP at the moment of transaction opening), constant, not changing with time (you may be in the market a year). I guess, that's enough to laugh at your writings again (how many times can I say it, right, get smarter).

Yuriy Asaulenko:
If this strategy has 9k, then there's no need to test it here. Everything is obvious. Only he wants a lot of money - for shares and holding futures positions.

No, I mean my trending strategy, which I described earlier in the MO thread.


You silly old man, I have no desire to enter into a discussion with you (the more so that a discussion implies at least a relative equality of intelligences). Therefore I will confine myself to one remark, though what you have written stretches to several. Well, you have just publicly crowed that Y (in my notation) = EURGBP, i.e. changes with time, while with me (and correctly) Y = EURGBP0 - i.e. a constant (equal to EURGBP at the moment of transaction opening), constant, not changing with time (you may be in the market a year). I guess, that's enough to laugh at your writings again (how many times can I say it, right, be smart already).

Laugh at yourself, grandson, and especially at your signal, which the whole branch here is laughing at. That signal demonstrates just "outstanding intelligence". I sympathise with you in general - you have a severe mental disorder. I think the life of you with such an arrogant and, frankly speaking, stupid attitude to others will "piss you off" a lot.

The person who considers all fools and openly shows it does not enjoy popularity among people around him and, moreover, is 100 % the fool himself. This has been scientifically established.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Laugh at yourself, grandson, and especially at your signal, which the whole branch is laughing at. That signal demonstrates just "outstanding intelligence". I sympathise with you in general - you have a severe mental disorder. I think the life of you with such an arrogant and, frankly speaking, foolish attitude to those around you will strongly "piss you off".

A person who thinks everyone is a fool and openly demonstrates it is not popular with others and, moreover, is 100% himself a fool. This has been scientifically established.


But do you think there is a point in talking about it?

He will not understand. They have probably been telling him that for years.

Aleksey Ivanov:

Laugh at yourself, grandson, and especially at your signal, which the whole branch is laughing at. That signal demonstrates just "outstanding intelligence". I sympathise with you in general - you have a severe mental disorder. I think the life of your arrogant and, frankly speaking, foolish attitude towards people around you will "piss" you off.

A person who believes that everyone is a fool and demonstrates it publicly does not enjoy popularity with others and, moreover, is 100% a fool himself. This has been scientifically established.

The most effective remedy is total ignoring!
Aleksey Vyazmikin:

No, I mean my trending strategy, which I described earlier in the MO thread.

But I still can't get it together. I've already worked out everything in parts, but I can't get down to it. But, in general, I am in no hurry.