The most banal trading strategy - page 27

Firstly, since this discussion has arisen, I would like to point out that even random processes can be predicted.

Yes, probably to a greater or lesser extent.

If we are talking about randomness, I would say that everything is not random. I'm not talking about forex, because it's something of a derivative.
Take futures on the CME. Not so much the minutes there, even the ticks are not random.
Someone is not going to give up on forex. But, as an example, when trading the Eurodollar, one can analyse the Euro futures.
Perhaps you can say that it's vice versa - the futures are globally dependent on the Eurodollar. But the Eurodollar cannot be analysed in detail on the forex market.
but the same euro futures can.
Why is everyone so obsessed with the SB? There is no randomness there. How can such a financial structure be random?
Any apparent randomness is a pattern that does not manifest itself. Think about it, we create all these randomness.
Andrey Gladyshev:
If we are speaking about coincidences I must say at once that everything is not by chance. I am not talking about forex, because it is something like a derivative.
Take futures on the CME. Not so much the minutes there, even the ticks are not random.
Someone is not going to give up on forex. But, as an example, when trading the Eurodollar, one can analyse the Euro futures.
Perhaps you can say that it's vice versa - the futures are globally dependent on the Eurodollar. But the Eurodollar cannot be analysed in detail on the forex market.
but the same euro futures can.
Why is everyone so obsessed with the SB? There is no randomness there. How can such a financial structure be random?
Any apparent randomness is a pattern that does not manifest itself. Think about it, we create all these randomness.

The word "forex" is not declined)

Randomness is what happens because it does not depend on us, everything that depends on us is not random.

The same applies to forex, it is not random, but it does not depend on us, so it remains random for us.

Any second a car may come around the corner, but it may not - it is an accident. A car for a driver is not accidental but purposeful - it is an accident for us.
When crossing an intersection, we always look in the direction a car might come from; we do not predict that we may not look today, because it will not come out - it is simply not in our power to do so.

The conclusion is simple: it is impossible to make money on SB.


Copying a drain is foolish.

It is either on the spread or on a market that is unlucky for the system.

If it is losing on the spread, then the flip will also be losing on the spread.

If it is in the "wrong" market, the flip will also lose in the "wrong" market.


Vitaly Muzichenko:

it is not random, but it does not depend on us, so it remains random for us.

Sometimes you are simply amazed by unphysicality of some pearls. Randomness or nonrandomness of any process does not depend on "for whom" it is viewed (he doesn't even know who views it there), it is just the height of stupidity.

Vitaly Muzichenko:

The conclusion is simple: it is impossible to make money on SB.

It does not correspond to reality.
there was a thread about "can you make money from casual wandering" - it seems that the question has been debated from different angles... :-)

Firstly, the very question "can you make money from SB" is of purely academic interest.

It has nothing to do with forex. If, say, the EURUSD ratio had been randomly wandering around, it would never have stayed around 1 or so for years, it would have gone (with the volatility it demonstrates) to below zero (ha ha ha, okay, at least to zero) and above 2 (and 10, and 20, and however many you want) a long time ago.

This is perfectly obvious.

For those who wish to understand this obviousness more clearly, google the Hurst coefficient.


Sometimes you are amazed at the unphysicality of some of the pearls. The randomness or non-randomness of any process does not depend on "for whom" it is being considered (he does not know who is considering it).

Probably, there is a proof? Or just blurted it out?)

There are very poppy experiments with particles that behave differently in identical situations, depending on whether they are observed or not.


Does any topic have to be inflated with arguments?

Suggestion to the admins, maybe ban or delete immediately for flooding and insulting the participants?