The most banal trading strategy - page 19

Evgeniy Chumakov:

He's been looking since this morning and you probably haven't.

Don't answer him.

He feeds off it.

Just an ageist nerd like you'll find on any forum.


Vanity is a way of deceiving oneself by deriving satisfaction from the illusion of one's own greatness. In its advanced stages, vanity develops intostar sickness and then intomegalomania, a self-righteous paranoia in which one imagines one's own power, beauty and genius in a vacuum. This is the flip side of humiliation.Vanity is an exalted lowliness.

We are humiliated not so much by "kings" as by people who are our equals, but in their vanity, who think they are kings. And if that happens, it means that our position is below average and we are allowed to spit and slop in our direction as long as we allow it. In a sense, the desire to be "superior" to others is the baseness that tries to elevate oneself at someone else's expense.

When a person experiences humiliation for a long time, he loseshis self-respect and his self-esteem becomes diminished. He closes himself off from others, hiding his pain, protecting himself with a false identity mask that is artificially constructed to hide the mental trauma. As the internal rift grows, the psyche becomes less and less stable, and the man is in constant tension, because he cannot be himself, cannot reveal either to others or even to himself his gut, disfigured by the bleeding wound of humiliation.

With such a wound in his soul, he takes any criticism painfully, takes the occasional outside laughter at his expense as a mockery, and even an innocent remark reminds him of his repressed humiliation.

An outside critic is sometimes perceived as if he has uncovered the humiliated person's secret psychic wound in his soul, got under his skin, and, having found out his weak spot, stabbed him in the very epicentre of it.

These are all personal hallucinations of the wounded soul. This is why the psychotherapist, while listening to the client, may at some appropriate moment ask about similar incidents from the past. Perhaps in a distant childhood, when the child was unable to digest the humiliation, the experience was displaced into his unconscious. And in the unconscious, mental wounds do not heal, but continue to bleed. In order to heal, one must patiently open up, removing all false guises, and face one's own fears.

No wonder that even innocent criticism can cause hatred in a wounded soul. A humiliated and vain person is liable to flattery, and is extremely dependent on the opinion of others, which others sometimes consciously or unconsciously take advantage of. The once humiliated person often overreacts, defending himself even where there is no smell of attack, which makes him seem unreasonably harsh and aggressive.


Vanity is a way of deceiving oneself by deriving satisfaction from the illusion of one's own greatness. In its advanced stages, vanity develops intostar sickness and then intomegalomania, a self-righteous paranoia in which one imagines one's own power, beauty and genius in a vacuum. This is the flip side of humiliation.Vanity is an exalted lowliness.

We are humiliated not so much by "kings" as by people who are our equals, but in their vanity, who think they are kings. And if that happens, it means that our position is below average and we are allowed to spit and slop in our direction as long as we allow it. In a sense, the desire to be "superior" to others is the baseness that tries to elevate oneself at someone else's expense.

When a person experiences humiliation for a long time, he loseshis self-respect and his self-esteem becomes diminished. He closes himself off from others, hiding his pain, protecting himself with a false identity mask that is artificially constructed to hide the mental trauma. As the internal rift grows, the psyche becomes less and less stable, and the man is in constant tension, because he cannot be himself, cannot reveal either to others or even to himself his gut, disfigured by the bleeding wound of humiliation.

With such a wound in his soul, he takes any criticism painfully, takes the occasional outside laughter at his expense as a mockery, and even an innocent remark reminds him of his repressed humiliation.

An outside critic is sometimes perceived as if he has uncovered the humiliated person's secret psychic wound in his soul, got under his skin, and, having found out his weak spot, stabbed him in the very epicentre of it.

These are all personal hallucinations of the wounded soul. This is why the psychotherapist, while listening to the client, may at some appropriate moment ask about similar incidents from the past. Perhaps in a distant childhood, when the child was unable to digest the humiliation, the experience was displaced into his unconscious. And in the unconscious, mental wounds do not heal, but continue to bleed. In order to heal, one must patiently open up, removing all false guises, and face one's own fears.

No wonder that even innocent criticism can cause hatred in a wounded soul. A humiliated and vain person is liable to flattery, and is extremely dependent on the opinion of others, which others sometimes consciously or unconsciously take advantage of. The once humiliated person is often over-insured, defending himself even where there is no smell of attack, which makes him seem unreasonably harsh and aggressive.

This is probably at its most epicentre. Usually there is no comment after that for a long time.

Aleksey Vyazmikin:

In fact, there are now indeed algorithms that calculate the substance that could only arise under super high pressure, some of the calculations are confirmed in practice.

I suggest you see, or rather notice, a diesel car once and ask about the temperature at the end of the compression stroke in its combustion chamber - it is a commonplace technologically worked out phenomenon in our lives, and probably somewhere in the beginning of general school education it is an adiabatic process, etc. So many substances at 500 degrees already disintegrate (pyrolysis). And millions of atmospheres is synonymous with millions of degrees, it is like seeing an elephant you understand that it has a mass of 10 tons. If you take out an elephant with a mass of 10 tonnes and leave the elephant as it is, you get the same problem as when you take out millions of atmospheres and millions of degrees. If it's interesting to waste your brain, there are hydrates, solubility of gases in different media.

Algorithms/software has been around for a long time, they consider the task of modelling/selecting possible compounds and conditions of their formation in applications. What is the point of planting ideas about millions of atmospheres in one country in the heads of school children/users, if the computing power has long been occupied with applied problems in other countries.

By time reversal, it is again a synonym for returning the energy of an element to its original state without transferring energy to it. For example, some element emits a photon (loses energy), we return this element to the past (it already has but not lost energy) before emitting a photon, and this element again emits a photon - an eternal light bulb (motor). The power of radiation is 100W, the power input to return the radiating element to the past is 10W -> profit 90W. You have burned 1kg of alcohol(blasphemous, but what to do), got the products of combustion + released heat, no matter how you shuffle this released heat with the products of combustion in time, you will still lose/ dissipate the heat/work, and you will not get the alcohol and oxidizer back in any way.

Suppose there is a possibility of time flowing backwards, i.e. oxidation/reduction reactions go backwards, (t)nuclear reactions also go backwards, then the existing universe must have already returned 100500 times to the starting point from which the existing hypothesis is that the big bang occurred. Fuck the explosion, everything just went up in smoke and went back to its original state. You've had a glass or two of alcohol, you feel good, then maybe sad, something suddenly happens and you're faced with another glass or two of alcohol... - what's the physical meaning? ;)

P.S. Will we even have antimatter roach or as usual? In general, the theme, you throw a roach from antimatter in the reservoir from matter and everything happens hygienically - here you all at once and fried fish and ear and a sauna with solarium, but here is a litre of alcohol again does not work - at least you crack. ;)


I suggest you see, or rather notice, a diesel car once and ask about the temperature at the end of the compression stroke in its combustion chamber - it is a common technological phenomenon in our lives, and probably somewhere in the beginning of general school education it is an adiabatic process, etc. So many substances at 500 degrees already disintegrate (pyrolysis). And millions of atmospheres is synonymous with millions of degrees, it is like seeing an elephant you understand that it has a mass of 10 tons. If you take out an elephant with a mass of 10 tonnes and leave the elephant as it is, you get the same problem as when you take out millions of atmospheres and millions of degrees. If it's interesting to waste your brain, there are hydrates, solubility of gases in different media.

Algorithms/software has been around for a long time, they consider the task of modelling/selecting possible compounds and conditions of their formation in applications. What is the point of planting ideas about millions of atmospheres in one country in the heads of school children/users, if the computing power has long been occupied with applied problems in other countries.

By time reversal, it is again a synonym for returning the energy of an element to its original state without transferring energy to it. For example, some element emits a photon (loses energy), we return this element to the past (it already has but not lost energy) before emitting a photon, and this element again emits a photon - an eternal light bulb (motor). The power of radiation is 100W, the power input to return the radiating element to the past is 10W -> profit 90W. You have burned 1kg of alcohol(blasphemous, but what to do), got the products of combustion + released heat, no matter how you shuffle this released heat with the products of combustion in time, you will still lose/ dissipate the heat/work, and you will not get the alcohol and oxidizer back in any way.

Suppose there is a possibility of time flowing backwards, i.e. oxidation/reduction reactions go backwards, (t)nuclear reactions also go backwards, then the existing universe must have already returned 100500 times to the starting point from which the existing hypothesis is that the big bang occurred. Fuck the explosion, everything just went up in smoke and went back to its original state. You've had a glass or two of alcohol, you feel good, then maybe sad, something suddenly happens and you're faced with another glass or two of alcohol... - what's the physical meaning? ;)

P.S. Will we even have antimatter roach or as usual? In general, the theme, you throw a roach from antimatter in the reservoir from matter and everything happens hygienically - here you all at once and fried fish and ear and a sauna with solarium, but here is a litre of alcohol again does not work - at least you crack. ;)

Our knowledge about surrounding world is very small and it is proved with each new discovery. So it is impossible to say unambiguously, only in terms of theoretical assumptions - experiments are often misinterpreted.

Why critical-pressure connections occur, the lecturer explains, in my opinion convincingly. And yes, alas, he works in the USA, although he is clearly from the USSR.

In general I do not consider, that I possess sufficient knowledge to enter into the polemics.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

First of all, why are the divas unscheduled? If you hold a stock, especially for a long period of time, there may be scheduled interest during that period.

Extra interest, because the futures decays exponentially, i.e., irregularly. Periodically roll over into futures, which decays faster, and here you get additional interest.

About unscheduled dividends - if everybody knows about them, the futures are adjusted accordingly - no?

I did not know about the accelerated decay, thank you, I need to investigate the issue.


What signal are you talking about? I didn't intend to broadcast any signal to anyone. It was originally about the possibility of a ring with a positive swap. People were surprised. I explained how you can make a ring of any number of pairs if you know how to build a ring of three pairs forming a triangle. Such rings, even of dozens of pairs, are incredibly numerous. Among that number there are some which have a positive total swap. This is a fact. Finding such rings is everyone's business. The question is to learn how to construct a simple ring, of three pairs per triangle. People have started writing crap on the subject of such a ring. I wrote an equation for this ring using EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP triangle as an example. I have described everything in details, except for one coefficient that defines GBPUSD lot volume. If no one is willing to perform a couple of simple actions with a pencil on a piece of paper, and calculate this coefficient (Y in my notation), and thus understand how a triangle ring is built, and obtain the possibility of building arbitrary rings of any (large) number of pairs - what complaints to me? None. So leave your "mdya-ya" for your colleagues in the mind. But people who were following the discussion may have already started to build big rings and look for ones which have a positive swap total among them. Another thing is that, firstly, it appears to require a brain with at least a high school education (and it's not my fault), and secondly, the profitability will clearly be small, so it's up to everyone to decide whether to trade like that (sit in a ring for months and years) or not to trade.

Pops, if you're really good at physics - take the rings to a pawnshop and help me find the coveted market memory formula to separate the trend from the flat online.


What signal are you talking about? I didn't intend to broadcast any signal to anyone. It was originally about the possibility of a ring with a positive swap. People were surprised. I explained how you can make a ring of any number of pairs if you know how to build a ring of three pairs forming a triangle. Such rings, even of dozens of pairs, are incredibly numerous. Among that number there are some which have a positive total swap. This is a fact. Finding such rings is everyone's business. The question is to learn how to construct a simple ring, of three pairs per triangle. People have started writing crap on the subject of such a ring. I wrote an equation for this ring using EURUSD, GBPUSD, EURGBP triangle as an example. I have described everything in details, except for one coefficient that defines GBPUSD lot volume. If no one is willing to perform a couple of simple actions with a pencil on a piece of paper, and calculate this coefficient (Y in my notation), and thus understand how a triangle ring is built, and obtain the possibility of building arbitrary rings of any (large) number of pairs - what complaints to me? None. So leave your "mdya-ya" for your colleagues in the mind. But people who were following the discussion may have already started to build big rings and look for ones which have a positive swap total among them. Another thing is that, firstly, it turns out to require a brain with an idea of at least high school general education (and it's not my fault), and secondly, the profitability will clearly be small, so it's up to everyone to decide whether to trade this way (sit in a ring for months and years) or not to trade.

IMHO - it's called destroying it.

There is no brain here.

Maxim Kuznetsov:


and I see there's a lot of warfare going on...

so solve the problem like gentlemen.

I (and many here) will be interested in the course of the fight. And listening to the mutual personal assessments of the disputants is somehow not

REPEAT. There's no fight here - Yusuf rules! With his URM. First of all.

This topic is a departure from reality, nothing more.


Vanity is a way of deceiving oneself by deriving satisfaction from the illusion of one's own greatness. In its advanced stages, vanity develops intostar sickness and then intomegalomania, a self-righteous paranoia in which one imagines one's own power, beauty and genius in a vacuum. This is the flip side of humiliation.Vanity is an exalted lowliness.

We are humiliated not so much by "kings" as by people who are our equals, but in their vanity, who think they are kings. And if that happens, it means that our position is below average and we are allowed to spit and slop in our direction as long as we allow it. In a sense, the desire to be "superior" to others is the baseness that tries to elevate oneself at someone else's expense.

When a person experiences humiliation for a long time, he loseshis self-respect and his self-esteem becomes diminished. He closes himself off from others, hiding his pain, protecting himself with a false identity mask that is artificially constructed to hide the mental trauma. As the internal rift grows, the psyche becomes less and less stable, and the man is in constant tension, because he cannot be himself, cannot reveal either to others or even to himself his gut, disfigured by the bleeding wound of humiliation.

With such a wound in his soul, he takes any criticism painfully, takes the occasional outside laughter at his expense as a mockery, and even an innocent remark reminds him of his repressed humiliation.

An outside critic is sometimes perceived as if he has uncovered the humiliated person's secret psychic wound in his soul, got under his skin, and, having found out his weak spot, stabbed him in the very epicentre of it.

These are all personal hallucinations of the wounded soul. This is why the psychotherapist, while listening to the client, may at some appropriate moment ask about similar incidents from the past. Perhaps in a distant childhood, when the child was unable to digest the humiliation, the experience was displaced into his unconscious. And in the unconscious, mental wounds do not heal, but continue to bleed. In order to heal, one must patiently open up, removing all false guises, and face one's own fears.

No wonder that even innocent criticism can cause hatred in a wounded soul. A humiliated and vain person is liable to flattery, and is extremely dependent on the opinion of others, which others sometimes consciously or unconsciously take advantage of. A formerly humiliated person often reassures himself by defending himself even there, where there is no sense of attack, which makes him seem harsh and aggressive without good reason.

My God! :-)

So much lyricism - it is boring to even read it.

Gentlemen, they write "gentlemen" here - what do you mean?

Where is the specifics? What rings? Maybe you have confused the ring - with the cap Kafka/no cap?