What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 60

Vitaliy Maznev:

So I read ...

Do you think I'm canvassing? Or intend to? No.
Whoever likes to knock the fruit off trees with a stick, that's his right. When a situation arrives that a beater will not be able to feed himself and his family by this activity, then looking at those who are far ahead along with progress a long time ago, he may start to think - may be the stick is not right anymore. But it will be almost impossible to catch up with them. And the family will be hungry and the children will ask: "Daddy, why does that man bring home a lot of delicious and ripe fruit, and you bring us rotten, collected from the ground, which we can lift ourselves? And daddy will reply with a strange and incomprehensible expression: "But we're all individuals!", forgetting that there are just as obvious individuals, but among those who keep up with progress.

How's that for a fairy tale?

Artyom Trishkin:

Do you think I am agitating you? Or do you intend to agitate? No.
Whoever likes to cut fruit from trees with a stick, that's his right. When a situation comes that a beggar cannot provide food for his family and himself by this activity, then, looking at those who are far ahead along with progress a long time ago, he may start to think - may be the stick is not right anymore. But it will be almost impossible to catch up with them. And the family will be hungry and the children will ask: "Daddy, why does that man bring home a lot of delicious and ripe fruit, and you bring us rotten, collected from the ground, which we can lift ourselves? And daddy will reply with a strange and incomprehensible expression: "But we're all individuals!", forgetting that there are just as obvious individuals, but among those who keep up with progress.

How's that for a fairy tale?

It's a familiar tale. One office has powerful new office equipment, the other has old junk. And it is not those who keep up with progress who earn more, but those who coincide with the plans of the structures which form the conditions for the realisation of business. That is, you can be a pauper with an MT5 platform, despite the obvious potential, and you can have a high level of prosperity with a shovel in a graveyard. It is not even at the expense of understanding, but rather someone is luckier than others. And often there is no choice in fact - either you will work as a shovel, or to develop automated systems. As life turns. :)

As for progress, it can be considered in infinitely different directions. And if somewhere the developer's progress doesn't coincide with the interests of a consumer or a user it is not only a question of the user's potential level. In society, it is common to benefit rather than seek optimal conditions and mutual needs in relation to interaction. And often developers simply do not see the interests and basic needs of the consumer and user from the height of their progress. Implementing a technology or selling a product is not the same as collaborative development. And when a developer's progress goes more in the direction of sales, adoption and mass absorption than in the interests of the consumer, there are certain difficulties in mutual understanding.

Again, there are a number of different ways of achieving the goals: one is to select specialists who are able to get into and implement the real interests of the user in the product. The other is to squeeze out anything that gets in the way of promotion and sales. This includes squeezing out specialists who set superfluous (from the point of view of promotion and sales) tasks. And also the crowding out of entire corporations that have not dragged the leg of progress on their hump. And now society has reached an irrevocable fatal point, where progress dictates both terms and interests. And that progress is not yours or mine. Rather, this progress views me and you as its property.


Vitaliy Maznev:

... And this progress is neither yours nor mine. Rather, this progress regards me and you as its property.

I see. Slogans. "Freedom for Yuri Detochkin," and so on and so forth...

I don't dare to change my mind about getting off the cart - it's the keeper of personal individuality. As much as those who drive autos - progress has planted them on filling cars with petrol... Don't feed the horse, that is harnessed to the cart - kick it out into a clear field - it slows down personal progress and individuality to sit in the cart, and forces into dependence to gather oats for it dear.

ZZY. I will allow myself also a slogan: Who wants - looking for opportunities, who does not want - reasons.

Artyom Trishkin:

ЗЫ. I will allow myself also a slogan: who wants - seeks opportunities, who does not want - reasons.

I'm not arguing with you either in general or in general. Moreover, I have read people here and my interest in the new platform has certainly been awakened. And of course, if possible, at my leisure I will try to study more materials. But your opposition of carts to automobiles is not indicative for me. I have and have nothing against cars and carts. But I have always walked on my own. And I don't look for any advantages or disadvantages.

And still, the advantage is not in the progress of technology, but in freedom of choice. You can develop both body and spirit, as well as technology. In different proportions. If only there would be a place for a step forward.


Vitaliy Maznev:

... There would have been room for a step forward.

What about "Change"? Since we're quoting Tsoi?

And there's something about "room to step forward" that doesn't fit in with statements about the freedom to stay behind...

Artyom Trishkin:

What about "The Change"? Since we're quoting Tsoi?

If change, then to development and learning, If progress, then without compromising existing capabilities, If MT5, then not at the expense of displacing previous work. Seeking opportunities is the thing to do. Looking for the reasons is also the point. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

If change, then to development and learning, If progress, then without compromising existing capabilities, If MT5, then not at the cost of displacing previous work. Seeking opportunities is the thing to do. Looking for the reasons is also the point. :)

So no one is infringing or compromising your right to stay on the MT4 platform. No one is limiting your knowledge that there is a more advanced platform. And the choice is yours to use the stopped in development MT4 platform or to use the MT5 platform which is way ahead in its development. Moreover - there is a huge knowledge base about MT5 platform, there is a good support on our forum etc., etc.
And no one forbids you to tell your friends, misleading them through blind faith that MT5 is impossible to hedge or lock positions in MT5 as you like it. Just as you can tell them that in MT5 it is impossible, for example, to disconnect any chart from the platform window and place it on a separate monitor - let them believe that it really can't be done... You can tell your friends a lot of things - it's your freedom of speech and opinion, and their right to read the official information vs listen to the gurus.

Artyom Trishkin:

So no one is infringing on your right to stay on MT4 platform. No one is limiting your knowledge that there is a more advanced platform. And the choice is yours to use the stopped in development MT4 platform or to use the MT5 platform which is way ahead in its development. Moreover - there is a huge knowledge base about MT5 platform, there is a good support on our forum etc., etc. And no one forbids you to tell your friends, misleading them through blind faith that MT5 is impossible to hedge or lock positions in MT5 as you like it. Just as you can tell them that in MT5 it is impossible, for example, to disconnect any chart from the platform's window and place it on a separate monitor - let them believe that it really can't be done... You can tell your friends a lot of things - it's your freedom and their right to read the official information vs listen to the gurus.

And why did the development of platforms end up pitting them against each other? And why is it not possible to transfer a specific account from one platform to another? It's not the stubbornness of the user like me in favour of MT4, but the conditionality that comes from the opposition created by the developers themselves. In this case, it's not me who is abandoning the progress we've discussed, but the progress has reached a deadlock due to the incompatibility of platforms. :)

Vitaliy Maznev:

And why did the development of platforms end up pitting them against each other? And why is it not possible to transfer a specific account from one platform to another? It's not the stubbornness of the user like me in favour of MT4, but the conditionality that comes from the opposition created by the developers themselves. In this case, it's not me who is abandoning the progress we've discussed, but the progress has reached a deadlock due to the incompatibility of platforms. :)

And tell me what is keeping people from using XP up to now? Please don't speak about successful companies with Pentium II's in their offices, fiddling with dot matrix printers.

In order to continue the development of the MT4 platform, it was necessary to get on a different track - everything got bogged down with the capabilities of a 32-bit system. So MT5 was written from scratch. Read Renat's posts - he told us more than once about the causes and effects. Just go to his profile, to the "Publications" - "All messages" section, and read what he writes, the man who has created more than one trading platform, and who knows all about it "from the inside" - you will find answers to your questions, and you will learn a lot of interesting things. The main thing is to take advantage of your freedom "not to be lazy" ;)

Artyom Trishkin:

So tell me, what is keeping people from using XP till now? Don't talk about successful companies with Pentium II machines in their offices, fiddling with dot matrix printers.

If it were up to me, I wouldn't even have chosen the Pentium II, but rather the ZX Spectrum from Sinclair Research from '82. But I didn't make the choice. In fact, I'm not a developer but a user. And for me it is not too crucial about the version of Windows. Although the earlier ones were significantly less demanding on operational resources. And I would not say that they were too inferior in functionality to the new one, as far as the user's point of view is concerned. On the contrary, they were more usable and less intrusive in every way. This progress of operating systems is really not aimed at the interests of the user. To put it mildly.

In my particular case, installing a better version of the OS on my alternative device is problematic due to its limited operating resources. And tearing the whole thing down just because of someone else's progress is not very convenient either. I, for example, gave up Skype and some other too progressive services, which rush to their progress. It's not so much out of stubbornness even, but out of social opportunity. No matter how much you preach the progress of versions of Windows or the same Skype, but for me as a user, nothing fundamentally new, useful and even more indispensable in this incomprehensible progress is noticeable, except the compulsion to provide these developments with more powerful hardware and allocate resources for their progress, not for their own necessity. Don't you find this the destructive side of progress? The interests of the user are completely disregarded. The developers don't give a damn about them. From their high bell tower they sing about safety and comfort. And I can't find any common sense in these sermons. Whose safety and whose comfort? Seeking funds to support the progress of great developers? Whose interest and benefit is it?

Can you soberly outline the common sense of such progress? For a person the only thing that changes is the need to throw away device after device to keep up with the absolutely zero progress. I, as a trader, need a basic terminal for transactions. Whether it's the terminal that worked in 2006 or the one that will continue after March 2019 is irrelevant to such a shitty and dumb colhozny trader. New horizons are great. But for me those horizons are more decorative than functional. I have work to do, not to show off, you know? :)