What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 24

To make a trader who profits on mt4 using indicators or EAs that will not work on mt5, break mt4. Then he will just have to spend time learning mql5. As long as mt4 exists, there is nothing you can do. Let there always be sunshine!
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

The popularity of a programming language is the number of people who are willing and able to learn it and use it to solve their problems.

the popularity of a trading platform -- is determined by the popularity of the internal programming language.

ready-made classes -- let's say, to teach children to read, they are divided into two groups -- one group is given dice with letters -- and the other group is given dice with ready-made words and pictures.

The question is -- which group of children will be able to read faster or be able to read at all?

In this example -- words are the equivalent of ready-made classes.

if you stop selling ready-made classes in the learning process and offer them every time you try to learn the language (which is done regularly, methodically and even with rampant fanaticism), then the growth of an audience that can master mql5 will be inevitable.

Growth of the audience willing and able to learn the internal programming language will lead to an increase in popularity of the platform and understanding its benefits in practice.

Unfortunately, you're wrong.

I started to program from 3-th rate, on Algol 68 on computer Minsk 32, and during production practice my term-programming task was to program a linear programming problem with the help of simplex method.

And the task itself: "Optimal distribution of machines and mechanisms between building objects".

Then I switched to the EC-Computer with Assembler, PL/1, "Iskra" to Basic . . .

Programmers are divided into 2 categories: System and Problem. They are joined by WEB programmers, and you can also add network programmers ...

I have always been a problem programmer, even though I knew Assembler for Windows, as well as API and OOP, but I prefer to write programs in high-level languages.

Now I don't need to know the inner construction of the language, I need to develop a profitable trading robot without going deep into the classes, and I need to spend my time for developing a trading strategy.

And the current MQL5 gives me this opportunity, and the disadvantages are gradually eliminated.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Unfortunately, you're wrong.

I started programming in 3rd year, on Algol 68 on Minsk 32...

Petros -- your heartwarming story -- says only one thing -- you've started to learn programming from the very basics.

But the audience of indicator/advisor developers is divided into a) those who mastered the basics -- and b) those for whom MQL is the first programming language.

The popularity of the platform depends solely and entirely on the second group "those for whom MQL is their first programming language" - this group is the most significant and it is its significance, as the majority rule, that determines the fate and prospects of the terminal - no matter how much all the gurus, experts and developers of the terminal would like to the contrary.

This is the group for which iTime, iClose, iOpen, ..., familiar to MQL4 developers, have been introduced.

And precisely because MQL4 and MQL5 are different programming languages -- and MQL5 is more difficult to learn and use than MQL4 -- the group "b) of those for whom MQL is the first programming language" doesn't move from MT4 to MT5 or does it very slowly.

Reasons for this need to be investigated -- my guess is that it's the presentation/education of the language constructs to the audience -- presentation from the standard library prevents or slows down the understanding of "what's what" for novice developers.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:


-- feeding straight from the standard library takes away or slows down the understanding of "what's what" for novice developers.

I think it's the other way around.

The standard library allows everyone to write trade operations very briefly, without knowledge of OOP and that such class.

I understand why many are afraid of MQL5. Some people think that to write in MQL5 they need to know classes and OOP.

I assure you that you don't need to know OOP to move from MQL4 to MQL5!

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

I think it's the other way around. ...

Think, who forbids you or prevents you from thinking.

My comments are not meant to distract you from your habitual way of thinking.

The issues I have raised are interesting to discuss with those who are experts in the practice and methodology of teaching.

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Think, who forbids or prevents you from thinking.

My comments are not meant to distract you from the thought process you are used to.

The issues I have raised are interesting to discuss with those who are experts in the practice and methods of teaching. There are literally very few such experts on this forum. And I already know the opinion of some of them.

I have an opinion in my work - experienced managers are the enemy of everything new, it's clear why - they sit for a day and leave, you seem to have potential.

only a developer can know all the advantages of new products, the moment they are invented


What nonsense. Whose business is c++, for example? It's a free standard, in the public domain. Compilers with free licenses. It's all being fleshed out with free libraries. How many altruists would write free libraries for a closed ICL to promote their business? Well, certainly there are those who want to amuse their ego, but for me, for example, I don't feel like it. And in general, you don't even need to build anything (like lua in Kwik) - just give an api.

Then read the second half of the text - training specialists for who knows what. And what does this have to do with libraries?

And this "like lua in a quickie" - that's where you should have started, it says it all. It even made me laugh a little.

And that's... How many saw all sorts of different licenses, something free and never saw, and looked hard - but there is no them, and that someone some fantasy seems free, it's nothing more than fantasy.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

And I think it's the other way around.

The standard library allows everyone to write trades very briefly without knowledge of OOP and that such a class.

I understand why many are afraid of MQL5. Some people think that to write in MQL5 they need to know classes and OOP.

I assure you that you don't need to know OOP to go from MQL4 to MQL5!

Much easier! But as we see, not even all are able to comprehend this. How amazing!

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Think, who forbids or prevents you from thinking.

My statements are not meant to distract you from the thought process you are accustomed to.

The issues I have raised are interesting to discuss with those who are experts in terms of practice and teaching methodology.

Andrei, I'm not the practitioner ?

Look at my profile and there's a link to a video. I developed this program 12 years ago with VC++, Borland C++ and Oracle.

And from 97 to 2008, I had my own company where I take orders and teach VC++ and Visual FoxPro programming.

So, I advise you not to compete with me, you will lose. ( This is of course a joke : )

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

The standard library allows everyone to write trades very briefly without knowledge of OOP and what such a class is.

What does this have to do with OOP and the standard library?

In MQL5, you can manage without OOP without knowing neither what a class is, nor what the Standard Library is.

But if we look at explanations of local gurus, all we see is "look for the SB class ...", "inherit the SB class ...", "write your own class ...".

I.e. the word "class" and "standard library" invariably go side by side.

Open the description of SB in the documentation: "trade classes", "class/group", "class to work ...", "direct descendants", "methods".

For newbies who don't go to MQL5 because of OOP -- they just don't stand a chance.