What would it take to get everyone to finally switch to MT5? (collecting opinions) - page 26

Vasiliy Sokolov:

True, only a professional coder is first and foremost a person serving the interests of others. Who in their right mind would remove all their products from the Market for MT4, depriving themselves of earnings? Who will refuse his freelance orders on MT4 just because it is MT4?

The percentage of coders is really 5-10, but there are still enough of them to create competition with each other. If there is one such dartan, the rest will just twiddle their thumbs and continue serving MT4-users. Only MQ can make a significant impact, if only because it owns both MT4 and MT5. But all this influence is forced draconian measures, and in fact a deliberate trashing of the established ecosystem in MT4. No one in their right mind would go for that.

I agree with the reasoning. The picture is logical but fixated on the present. Doesn't reflect the future development scenario. The world is changing and so is algotrading and if you catch the essence of these changes, creating a new favorable environment, you can break prejudices and change people's views in the future.

What is clear is that further development of the language in the direction of complexity will only narrow the user base. What is needed is a turn towards simplification. Then the strengths of the platform and language - speed and features - will come back into play. The main thing is not to go on to further piling up of entities. It is a dead end.

Petros Shatakhtsyan:

Andrei, am I not the practitioner ?

Look at my profile and there is a link to the video. I developed this program 12 years ago with VC++, Borland C++ and Oracle.

And from 97 to 2008, I had my own company where I take orders and teach VC++ and Visual FoxPro programming.

So I advise you not to compete with me, you will lose. ( This is of course a joke : )

I wonder if anyone has ever attempted to use FoxPro (2.6 and above) for forex analytics?
Vasiliy Sokolov:

... but in fact a deliberate trashing of the established ecosystem in MT4. No one in their right mind would do that.

Certainly no draconian measures can be taken. It's like sawing off the bough you're sitting on. But you can create no less comfortable ecosystem for MT5 (if you want and try, of course). All you need is simplicity and friendliness to users, without the requirement to study volumes of programming.

I wonder if anyone has ever tried to use FoxPro (2.6 and up) for forex analytics?

No. I started with FoxBase in '91, and switched to Visual FoxPro, it was still part of Visual Studio. And when they took it out of VS, I didn't use it anymore.

And why do you need other things when you have MQL5, tester and signals?

Certainly coders can be bribed by the savings in programming effort, speed and capabilities of the platform. MT5 has speed and features, but no coder friendliness at all. MT5 doesn't like weak coders, and they respond in the same way)).
I thought TC opened another testing ground, where with his MT4 kernel-engine, he will drive back and forth over the heads of all programmers in mql5 and OOP.
He will prove that the earth is flat and stands on three elephants. But I must have missed something, it must be the apocalypse, or it will be soon.
Реter Konow:
The main question in the topic is. A clear, logical, thoughtful presentation is welcome.

top signal and many will open.

Реter Konow:

Certainly, no draconian measures should be taken. It's a bit like sawing off the bough you're sitting on. But you can create an equally comfortable ecosystem for MT5 (if you want to and try, of course). All you need is simplicity and friendliness to users, without the requirement to study volumes of programming.

Well, MT4 has both friendliness and simplicity and no requirements. Why reinvent it?

Реter Konow:
Certainly coders can be bribed...

There you go again with the coders. I repeat, they have nothing to do with it. Coders serve the interests of users, of whom 90% of the total number. There is an opinion on this forum that MT5 is complicated. But this is a forum of programmers and 10-20% of these programmers say that MT5 is difficult. But programmers themselves are a drop in the ocean. This forum is a drop in the ocean compared with all users of MT5. And many here litter the opinion of this micro-sample, considering it to be relevant.


Who is training whom? If you have implemented an api, then I write in whatever I want and learn wherever I want, pluses, sharps, whatever, and there are enough materials. If you consider api documentation as training ...

What are these proprietary? http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.ru.html

You haven't understood anything of what I wanted to express at all. And the licences - read them.