Freelancing and arbitration. Something has to change, otherwise it's a dead end! - page 13


Hello, dear Administration!

The performer has not been in touch for a month!

Please cancel this order!

Strange situation, of course, for almost a month now I've been asking for funds to be unblocked with a missing performer and there's just silence...
Thank you very much)


I have a problem with the customer

I submitted for arbitrage back on Dec. 8, 2020 and still no response from either the arbitration or the customer

Please close the job

Thank you


I couldn't find the Arbitrage button and clicked "Remove job". The job was deleted along with the frozen funds. The contractor demanded a higher price for the unfinished job

How do I get my money back? I contacted Service Desk and they say: "Send a link to the job or contact the forum".
How do I get my money back? I contacted Service Desk and they said: "Send me the link or contact the forum".

You never gave a link.


Found your remote job. It's just amazing that you created the job in August 2020, the contractor did the job without a contract and communicated with you for 71 pages, and you deleted the job on January 17 .

You haven't paid anything to the contractor and now you're being outraged on the forum. This is supercilious.


You never gave me the link.

How can I give it if I have deleted the work?


Found your remote job. It's just amazing that you created the job in August 2020, the contractor did the job without a contract and communicated with you for 71 pages, and you deleted the job on January 17 .

You haven't paid anything to the contractor and now you're being outraged on the forum. This is supercilious.

How can I pay the developer when he refused to fix bugs and demanded an increased fee for an unfinished job? But the developer demanded payment for TIME, not for work.