Freelancing and arbitration. Something has to change, otherwise it's a dead end! - page 11


The only thing you see is the feedback after the deal is done.

Please tell me, before responding to an offer and starting a dialogue with a contractor, do you see this

With whom would you prefer to start discussing the order?

You can ignore the busyness. There are some customers who put a long lead time and warn about absence.

Alexey Viktorov:

Please tell me, before responding to an offer and starting a dialogue with a contractor, do you see this

With whom would you prefer to start a discussion?

You can ignore busyness. There are some customers who put a long lead time and warn about absence.

These Developers, when they agree to your work, at a minimum write as "Hello, ready to perform your request, etc.", perhaps ask follow-up questions, you can already build an idea of their level, these minimal phrases, add here the value of karma and your financial wishes on the cost of work, and then make a choice.

Alexey Viktorov:

Please tell me, before responding to an offer and starting a dialogue with a contractor, do you see this

With whom would you prefer to begin a discussion?

You can ignore busyness. There are customers who put a long lead time and warn about absence.

You are a developer and think logically :)

This level is more, this busy, and this is likely to offer a lower price etc. etc. And you make a choice.

Alexey Viktorov:

Please tell me, before responding to an offer and starting a dialogue with a contractor, do you see this

With whom would you prefer to begin a discussion?

You can ignore busyness. There are such customers who put a long lead time and warn of absence.

It depends on the complexity of the job.

For an easy job you can choose developer 3. If the task is complex, the choice is between 4 and 5. In 5 is more experience, but a lot of arbitrage, though in his favor - this can be written off on the inadequacy of the customers. Communication can not give much if the contractor will not immediately offer adjustments to the TOR. I have a clear understanding of my terms of reference and try to take the maximum and additional functions, so there is a way to manage the stage of coordination.

If at this stage you can see what work has been done and what kind of feedback - it will be much more informative than these numbers.

Andrey Medvedev:

These Developers, when they agree to your work, at a minimum write for example "Hello, ready to perform your request, etc.", perhaps ask additional questions, you can already build an idea of their level, on these minimal phrases, add here the value of Karma and your financial wishes on the cost of work, and then make a choice.

At this stage, everyone "swears, swears, beats his chest" that such a job is "like getting milk". Only one of them turned me down, arguing that it was too difficult and too busy.

But when it comes to business, it turns out that "this is not chess - you have to think here". I ask for advice, and the answer is silence.


Depends on the difficulty of the task.

For an easy task, you can choose developer 3. If the task is difficult, the choice is between 4 and 5. 5 has more experience, but a lot of arbitrage, though in his favor - this can be attributed to the inadequacy of the customers. Communication can not provide much if the contractor will not immediately offer adjustments to the TOR. I have a clear understanding of my terms of reference and try to take the maximum and additional functions, so there is a way to manage the stage of coordination.

If at this stage to see what work has been done and what kind of feedback - it will be much more informative than these numbers.

I'm glad you're paying attention to the number of arbitrations. But I would not put it down to the inadequacy of customers. Well here I am a person who thinks that in a dispute is never guilty only one. Plus, the customer pays his own money for his inadequacy, and the contractor ..........

And developer #6 too, with no work done, can be quite experienced. And you discount him without talking to him...

Okay. I heard what I wanted to hear. Maybe someone reading this will also pay attention to the number of arbitrations.

Alexey Viktorov:

I am pleased that you have paid attention to the number of arbitrations. But I wouldn't put it down to the inadequacy of the customers. That's the kind of person I am, I believe that only one person is ever guilty in a dispute. Plus, the customer pays his own money for his inadequacy, and the contractor ..........

And developer #6 too, with no work done, can be quite experienced. And you discount him without talking to him...

Okay. I heard what I wanted to hear. Maybe someone reading this will also pay attention to the number of arbitrations.

Yes, pay attention to the number of arbitrations, adjusted for the inadequacy of the customers.

Myself with a minimal amount of work, I have 2 undeserved arbitrations, both because of the simple silence of the customer and the lack of any contact, any reaction. Just silence and all, perhaps it was my luck at the initial stage.

Although I also believe that in any dispute, a compromise can be found. If there is someone to talk to.


Please consider arbitration on the job:

The customer was about to close the project, but did not know that you need to go through 2 steps, went through 1 step and disappeared.

And I would like to add to the post above that in runet such cases are very rare, and in the English-speaking part of the customers are very often missing and the work can be closed only through arbitrage.

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"Execution Type" - 2 options, "Daily"/"Backtesting". If daily,  data to export should be only the last day. If Backtesting, data to export should be the one indicated within the "custom dates" parameter. "Custom Date - Start Date" - If execution type is Backtesting, then this parameter will indicate the first day of data to be included. Format...
Please decide on arbitration - lasts more than 3 months: Client does not appear for more than 2 months.
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Can you already set the proposed 7-day response rule, since there is no way to deal with arbitrations within a reasonable time frame? It seems that arbitrations are being delayed because there is no money for either the client or the contractor.

Also, when an award is made I would like to see at least a brief justification, especially when it looks clearly unfair to one of the parties, such as here (the award was made in an unusually record time by the way).