Freelancing and arbitration. Something has to change, otherwise it's a dead end! - page 9

What is needed is simply independent arbitration. The arbitrator can be neither the client nor the contractor.
Andrey Kaunov:

Good afternoon, colleagues.

The method is certainly a good one. But I recently met a principled customer who would not close the order until he got the source code.


And he was right.

Andrey Kaunov:

Men are in the beer garden, dear man. Don't confuse the issue. If you order work from men, any outcome is possible.

And any adequate programmer (not wanting to collect 50% of arbitrage of all work) always at the end of the order asks himself a question, and whether the customer completes the last phase of work. Or he will leave after receiving source code, having decided that he does not owe anyone anything. Especially new customers, given the existing slowness of chat correspondence.

Is it the nimbus or the crown?


Good afternoon.

Two jobs have been in arbitration for over a month, the customers are not contacting us, but the work is still in progress.

Is it possible to request arbitration here or should I create a separate thread on the forum?


You have to do it like on aliexpress. If arbitration is initiated, allow time for the parties to reconcile, say 7 days,

If one of the parties does not get in touch or close automatically or the arbitrator will check the work for compliance with the terms of reference.

There is also a point that if the customer made money through Paypal, he can initiate arbitration there and then the money can be charged to mql5, but not to the contractor.


but Freelance has added a VAT field to the order...

Now you can see which jurisdiction the customer is in :-)

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

It's all theory -- practice is different -- a cloud of customers confirm the stage as soon as the developer confirms the stage -- and then they look and check.


There are 2-3 people out of a thousand if anything....

Arkadii Zagorulko:

Out of a thousand 2-3 people if anything....

if what?

your thousand in five digits -- convert yourself to normal dimensions and then you can distinguish the real %.

it's not uncommon to have a topic on a form in the style of: "all steps confirmed, didn't check it out, trusted, EA does not work according to TOR, developer refuses to fix it, feedback left 5 stars, what to do, help me".

so these are publicly raised issues -- and then there are examples in personal correspondence, etc.

Denis Nikolaev:


It's not really that bad with hang-ups.

If the customer has bailed for one reason or another, the developer can go to arbitration.

If the arbitrator does not appear for a long time, you can post on the forum in the relevant threads.

If the post on the forum did not help, you can write to servicedesk.

A scheme tested personally - it works.

Really arbitration is useful only in one case "Cancel job". In the case of disappearance of the customer, only the topic on the forum helps. But what's more unfortunate is that the majority of customers do not read the prawl freelance. As a result, I recently had a dispute with a customer who told me that I should do the TOR, because he's not a coder and does not understand anything about it. And what he provided me as the ToR was a plan of action.

But in general, freelancing works great! Kudos to him for that!



1. The customer has not been in touch for a month, he has filed for arbitration and no one has responded for a fortnight. What to do?

The site has a limit of work in progress, if so will hang the work, how to take new orders. Also, some customers are looking at workload, although the essence of the developer is free.

2. How do I submit to arbitration after the work has been completed?

I did the work in full accordance with the terms of reference, the customer accepted. After I wrote that the alert does not work, I told him that it works, made a screenshot. But in response, began to write in swear words, insulting. And left a negative feedback, the first in my entire career to work on this site. Almost 300 jobs completed, 160 positive feedback.