Record on the Market - page 19

Andrey Barinov:

Imagine this. You're new to the site. You have just registered here on the resource. And you have made a super-duper product (let it be a utility, which you won't be able to run in the tester). How would you solve the problem of informing users about your super product?

Nothing? Would you wait for the interest to arise after users find your nugget among 10000 others?

You put the free version out there and start the discussion. If it's really a "super-duper" product - then questions about it will appear all the time. New users will recognize it rather quickly.

The problem is that 99% of the products are not even a "product".
Andrey F. Zelinsky:

Stop lying -- I gave you a picture of a recent ad -- do you not read the word "forex" here?

Why are you pulling out only what you want but not looking at the whole context?

I only say what I know. You have never opened the direct :-)

After forex advertising was banned on yandex, brokers started issuing licenses. After adding these licenses to their site - Yandex allows you to advertise.

But direct is closed for Ukraine. I'm talking about myself.

Georgiy Merts:

You post the free version and the discussion starts. If it's really a "super-duper" product - then questions about it will occur all the time. Accordingly, new users will get to know it fairly quickly.

Wait a minute. Where is the discussion? How will they find out?

We're talking about paid products here. If you have a paid product, you won't be allowed to discuss the free version here.

Andrey Barinov:

Wait a minute. Where is the discussion? How will they find out?

We're talking about paid products here. If you have a paid product, they won't let you discuss the free version.

The product is free to begin with. Why not? They'll let you talk about it.

The question is not that they won't, but that there are practically no worthwhile products. No wonder there is no discussion at all.

It was all in shareware before. The time when a product was bought just because it appeared is over. Now, first you have to put out a free, cut-down version, create a community and only then monetise the results.
Georgiy Merts:

So at the beginning the product is free. Why won't they give it to you? Yes, they will.

The question is not about "they won't give it to you" but about the fact that there are practically no worthwhile products. No wonder there are no discussions either.

And a free product cannot be discussed on the forum :-)

It will be taken down right away.

Discussions only! In the discussion section of the product! And only those who bought the product can discuss it there :-). It's a vicious circle again.

Or post the product in CodeBase.

Vladislav Andruschenko:

and a disembodied product cannot be discussed on the forum :-)

The thread gets taken down straight away.

Discussion only! in the discussion section!

Or put the product in CodeBase.

I don't know, I don't know - I communicate a lot in the forum, products are constantly mentioned, the codes of these products are constantly flashed... You just shouldn't try to rudely "push" your product. It should be the other way around - users should get interested. And the result will appear.

A simple example, I'm sure that if I take any code from Kodobase, change a couple of lines there, but sign it with my name and my avatar, the product will be quite popular at first, until people realize that this is the same G., as most of Kodobase.
Georgiy Merts:

So at the beginning the product is free. Why won't they give it to you? They will.

It's not a question of "they won't give it away", it's a question of the fact that there are hardly any worthwhile products. No wonder there are no discussions either.

All this was already done in shareware. The time when a product was bought just because it appeared is over. Now, first you have to put out a free, cut-down version, create a community, and only then monetise the results.

Okay. Show me an example. Make a free version of the product. Put it on the market. And then start a discussion and build a community. We'll watch with interest. But not for long...

Georgiy Merts:

I don't know, I don't know - I communicate a lot in the forum, products are constantly mentioned, the codes of these products are constantly flashed... You just shouldn't try to rudely "push" your product. It should be the other way around - users should get interested. And the result will appear.

If the code is posted, you can.

Georgiy Merts:

I don't know, I don't know - I communicate a lot in the forum, products are constantly mentioned, the codes of these products are constantly flashed... You just shouldn't try to rudely "push" your product. It should be the other way around - users should get interested. And the result will appear.

from the codebase can be discussed.

The marketplace is not allowed.

At least, I previously tried to put up a mention of my free products (not demo versions, but free products) - the post was immediately cut, the topic was demolished.

Andrey Barinov:

OK. Show me an example. Make a free version of the product. Put it on the market. And then start discussing and building a community. We'll watch with interest. But not for long...

I've been doing this for a year now. So far everything is going according to plan. There is one "white spot" left in the TC League, without liquidation of which monetisation is not possible at all. I am working in this direction, but, alas, the results so far have been poor.