Record on the Market - page 23

Georgiy Merts:

I disagree. I have 450-plus robots, and they're all pretty good.

How do you define "robot quality" bro ? It fulfills its function, the TS holds up. By what criterion are we to consider that "this one is quality and this one is crap" ?

they won't show separately because you have 450 simple ones, you couldn't design 450 complex systems and combine them, could you? no, together they might show something, it would be 1 robot

don't blame your problem on me) look for it yourself))

Georgiy Merts:

I disagree. I have 450+ robots, and they are all quite good quality.

How do you define "robot quality", bro? It fulfills its function, the TC stands up to it. By what criterion are we to consider "this one is quality and this one is crap"?

One of the main criteria for the quality of a product is not only the quality of the programmer, but also the time spent creating it.

Sorry, but I don't believe you.
A product that took one week to develop, let alone one hour, even if you are a super-duper programmer, cannot be of high quality, it's not quality at all, it's just a piece of junk.

Such diversity only speaks of chaos in the head and lack of backbone. I will always pass by such a developer. I know for sure that I, as a consumer, cannot be interested in such code.

At least because I am aware of the fact that the product I've bought will have zero support. Because it's unrealistic to support hundreds of products and keep churning out new ones at the same time.

Nikolai Semko:

One of the main criteria for the quality of a product is not only the quality of the programmer, but also the time spent creating it.

Sorry, but I don't believe you.
A product which took one week to develop, moreover one hour, even if you are a super-duper programmer, cannot be of high quality - it's all not quality but a mass product. ....

Yes, it is so. There is even a small proof in the form of a poll.

Nikolai Semko:

One of the main criteria for the quality of products is not only the quality of the programmer, but also the time spent creating his product.

I'm sorry, but I do not believe you.
A product that takes a week to develop, let alone an hour, even if you are a super-duper programmer, cannot be of high quality, it's all a mass-produced product, not quality.

Such diversity only indicates chaos in the head and a lack of backbone. I will always pass by such a developer. I know for sure that I, as a consumer, cannot be interested in such code.

At least because I am aware of the fact that the product I've bought will have zero support. Because it's unrealistic to support hundreds of products and keep on stitching new ones together.

They do not understand it, the more the better.

Even a team cannot support 450 bots.

Unless there are 100 people in the team.

Nikolai Semko:

One of the main criteria for the quality of products is not only the quality of the programmer, but also the time spent creating his product.

Sorry, but I don't believe you.
A product that took a week or an hour to develop can't be of high quality, even if you are a super-duper programmer, it's not quality but a mass product.

Such diversity only indicates chaos in the head and a lack of backbone. I will always pass by such a developer. I know for sure that I, as a consumer, cannot be interested in such code.

At least because I am aware of the fact that the product I've bought will have zero support. Because it's unrealistic to support hundreds of products and keep on riveting new ones at the same time.

Well, well...

I wonder what not to believe when I've done everything "in front of the forum" ?

And in my opinion, such diversity indicates a clear coverage of all possible work options...

Vladimir Ananich:

They do not understand it, they think the more the better.

Even a team cannot support 450 bots.

Unless there are 100 people in a team.

I have no problem supporting them alone. They all work on the demo account all the time.

This, by the way, goes to the question of the effectiveness of the OOP approach.


There's something wrong with the concept of robots...

It feels like we are talking about different models of kites made by kids in a hurry for a children's competition.

Georgiy Merts:

I alone have no problem supporting them. They all work continuously on a demo account, after all.

This is, by the way, to the question of the effectiveness of the OOP approach.

Not trying to be mean. Honestly.

From the looks of it, you're trying to profit from the market. It may be an effective method of trading. But if we are talking about selling EAs, then offering the user a 1/450th share of the total algorithmic power is wrong. I think.

Nikolai Semko:

One of the main criteria for the quality of a product is not only the quality of the programmer, but also the time spent creating his product.

This is outright nonsense )

Реter Konow:

There's something wrong with the concept of robots...

It feels like we are talking about different models of kites made by kids in a hurry for a children's contest.

And why is that?

Here, on Friday, 17 bots recorded exceeding "benchmarks", and stopped. Today - I'm running special optimization versions for each of them that generate control functions during optimization. Right in the file, the optimization version generates MQL-program text. It only remains to copy each resulting function into the appropriate initial bot and send it "back into action".

That's all support.

Sometimes errors will pop up, usually in the shared class library. In that case, the errors are fixed and all bots are sent for recompilation. Since each bot is designed as a class, it is included into the text in one line of code. Correspondingly, there are files with one such line in each of them - these are separate bots. But on a demo account, there are files that contain all of the available class lines and they work all at once. In idea, you can put all bots in one file. But I use time division - one file contains bots working only in the morning, another - in the afternoon, third - in the evening, fourth - at night, fifth - without any restrictions...

The system is already quite well established and the technology is fine-tuned. The last remaining point that has not been made is assessing the stability of the work and the selection of bots for the real world. Unfortunately, as I have said more than once, stability is still largely assessed intuitively.