Record on the Market


The Market is currently setting a record for the number of published products. For example, experts for MT4 were published 55 units today, for MT5 - 9 units. To compare, only 6-8 Expert Advisors have been published recently, and all the developers were scared of too rigid moderation.

Apparently, the record has to do with setting up a publication automation. In principle, the solution is good, but the extremes are frightening. It is especially alarming when you see that most of the published products are created by novice authors (you can see in the profile that this is their first publication). Previously, these authors were held by the moderators with a dead hand until they met all the strict requirements for the product and its description. The administration seems to have "let go of the reins" and decided to translate quality into quantity.

I do not want to offend the beginner authors, but I want to congratulate them on their first publication and wish them good luck in their future work. I hope that other colleagues wish the same.

However, I can see some problems with the overly liberalised requirements.

1. There is a tendency to clog the Market with lower quality products.

2. Reduced product levels will subsequently reduce user interest in the Market, which will lead to lower sales and degradation of the project.

3. the rapid downward shift of products in the "New" category leads to a decrease in sales of exclusive, high quality products for which considerable efforts have been expended by the developer. As a consequence, qualified and diligent developers will leave, and instead of quality products, the storefront will be flooded with products with minimal development costs. This will also contribute to the decline of the project as a whole.

I ask those who are not indifferent to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of this trend, and to offer their own solutions. Perhaps this will help optimize managerial decisions and avoid disastrous consequences.

In the end, everyone will benefit - the administration, the developers and the consumers of the products.

Vadim Zotov:

Today Market sets a record for the number of published products. Thus, 55 Expert Advisors for MT4 and 9 for MT5 have been published today. For comparison, only 6-8 Expert Advisors have been published recently, while all developers squeaked because of too rigid moderation.

Apparently, the record has to do with setting up a publication automation. In principle, the solution is good, but the extremes are frightening. It is especially alarming when you see that most of the published products are created by novice authors (you can see in the profile that this is their first publication). Previously, these authors were held by moderators with a dead grip until they met all the strict requirements for the product and its description. The administration seems to have "let go of the reins" and decided to translate quality into quantity.

I do not want to offend the beginner authors, but I want to congratulate them on their first publication and wish them good luck in their future work. I hope that other colleagues wish the same.

However, I can see some problems with the overly liberalised requirements.

1. There is a tendency to clog the Market with lower quality products.

2. Reduced product levels will subsequently reduce user interest in the Market, which will lead to lower sales and degradation of the project.

3. the rapid downward shift of products in the "New" category leads to a decrease in sales of exclusive, high quality products for which considerable efforts have been expended by the developer. As a consequence, qualified and diligent developers will leave, and instead of quality products, the storefront will be flooded with products with minimal development cost. This will also contribute to the lowering of the level of the project as a whole.

I ask those who are not indifferent to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of this trend and suggest solutions. Perhaps this will help optimize management decisions and avoid disastrous consequences.

In the end, everyone will benefit - the administration, the developers and the consumers of the products.


I've noticed this too. One, there are even 6 pieces at one time with the same and incomprehensible description.

Vadim Zotov:

The Market is currently setting a record for the number of published products. Thus, we have published 55 Expert Advisors for MT4 and 9 for MT5. For comparison, only 6-8 Expert Advisors have been published recently, while all developers were squeaking from too rigid moderation.

Apparently, the record has to do with setting up a publication automation. In principle, the solution is good, but the extremes are frightening. It is especially alarming when you see that most of the published products are created by novice authors (you can see in the profile that this is their first publication). Previously, these authors were held by moderators with a dead hand until they met all the strict requirements for the product and its description. The administration seems to have "let go of the reins" and decided to translate quality into quantity.

I do not want to offend the beginner authors, but I want to congratulate them on their first publication and wish them good luck in their future work. I hope that other colleagues wish the same.

However, I can see some problems with the overly liberalised requirements.

1. There is a tendency to clog the Market with lower quality products.

2. Reduced product levels will subsequently reduce user interest in the Market, which will lead to lower sales and degradation of the project.

3. the rapid downward shift of products in the "New" category leads to a decrease in sales of exclusive, high quality products for which considerable efforts have been expended by the developer. As a consequence, qualified and diligent developers will leave, and instead of quality products, the storefront will be flooded with products with minimal development costs. This will also contribute to the decline of the project as a whole.

I ask those who are not indifferent to comment on the strengths and weaknesses of this trend, and to offer their own solutions. Perhaps this will help optimize managerial decisions and avoid disastrous consequences.

In the end, everyone will benefit - the administration, the developers and the consumers of the products.

I think everything will fall into place over time.

A lot of products in the marketplace are moving from the code base.

The quality will be better seen against the backdrop of a large number of products.

The latest innovations will benefit everyone, there will be more products, there will be more attention.

I can only propose to the Administration to make more moderators to do post verification.

Vladimir Pastushak:

I think things will fall into place over time.

A lot of products in the marketplace are moving from the code base.

Quality will be better seen against the backdrop of a large number of products.

The latest innovations will benefit everyone, there will be more products, there will be more attention.

How to see this quality if you can't see anything behind the quantity. :)

Vladimir Pastushak:

The quality will be better seen against the backdrop of a large number of products.

No way. Lots of G****. Search engines will stop indexing the marketplace and site. The number of new users on the site will drop.

And old timers will stop using the service. Hard to find candy in a pile of junk.

Vadim Zotov:


The surge in publications may have been caused by delays in previous publications due to the switch to an automated system.

The quality of the product as such has never been checked by the Market moderators. Purely formal checks such as: must be tested in the strategy tester, must include a description of an established pattern, etc. were made.

The minimum price tag of $30 reliably protects the Market ecosystem from dumping. Rubbish will never sell for $30. So there's no need to worry about declining sales.

The difference between 1,000 products in Market and 10,000 is huge. The difference between 10,000 and 100,000 is no longer significant. Because starting from a certain critical figure, users already use other methods to find the right product. Yes, being at the top in the "New" tab does help, but it's temporary anyway.

Vladimir Pastushak:

The quality will be better seen against the backdrop of a large number of products.

If I wanted to use the total price for the first indicators, I would not buy them because they are not exactly the same, but I would have to buy them if I wanted to buy them at all. On this forum he has a few posts, with questions on programming at the level of "babble", but the top in the marketplace )))

The problem here is not in the quality of the product, but in its promotion, if the product really deserves attention, not the fact that the author is a brilliant marketer and can actually sell his product, and vice versa, there are the most brilliant marketers who shovel open guano

Vadim Zotov:

It is especially alarming when you see that most of the published products are created by novice authors (you can see in the profile that this is their first publication). Previously, these authors were held by the moderators with a dead hand until they met all the strict requirements for the product and its description. It seems that the administration has "let go of the reins" and decided to turn quality into quantity.

I don't want to offend the first-time authors. I heartily congratulate them on their first publication and wish them every success in their future work. I hope that other colleagues wish them the same.

First publication does not mean first account.


I've been observing this trend for a few days now, frankly it's about time, but I didn't see the point in creating this topic))

There was a case when my indicator stopped initializing and immediately I got questions, I corrected it, and then wait for moderation, sometimes you forget to correct something in the description and apologize to the buyer spoiling his mood. And now, bang and ready, updated, corrected, do not make you wait long. So what, all right, I'm all for it).

In one thing I am sure, the main thing is not quantity but quality, the yield as they say) So, let them stamp, the quality will always leave in the ratings.


Ramiz Mavludov:

I am sure of one thing, the main thing is not quantity but quality, the yield as they say) So, let them stamp, the quality will always come out in the ratings.

Unfortunately, usually everything valuable simply sinks in a pile of rubbish, if there are no tools for separation, it is a law of nature. This site, alas, is no exception.

It is too early to draw conclusions now. Let the new marketplace work for a while. Of course there are bugs, they can be caught and fixed. For now, it's just worth observing and recording observations.