A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 6


Dmitiry Ananiev:

At the construction site, the construction worker received 520 euros. The allowance was 500 euros, so people stopped working and paying taxes.

This is just a positive example to save people from slavery to the capitalists.


It is precisely a positive example to save people from servitude to the capitalists.

This "positive example" is leading the country into an economic crisis.

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

I had a slightly different story. I used to run around the city dump as a kid and find things to wear. Now I won't let that happen to my children. I give things away after my kids for free or take them to church. It's a kind of help. I can't afford that anymore.

I do things in a simpler way. There's a garbage dump next door with a brick fence. I hang things on the fence, half an hour later they're gone. The other day I was coming out of the front door and there was a book exhibition on the mailboxes. I was surprised that there was a gospel among them.


This "positive example" leads the country into an economic crisis.

A crisis is when ordinary people have a bad life, not when capitalists' profits are falling. So there is no crisis for the people there.
A crisis is when ordinary people have a bad life, not when capitalists' profits are falling. So there is no crisis for the people there.

Not just because the EU gave Greece a loan to get out of the crisis.

Andrei Fandeev:

Golden words!!! Perhaps the author of this movie could not express in a more accurate and compact way.

But I'd like to add to it. I am 56 years old. I have a house and a wife and everything else.
But to drink bitter, as the hero of the film, which uttered this phrase - I do not want to.
What to do? Where to go from here?
I have decided for myself - to have a dream. And not even a dream, but a desire to follow it.
And now all my actions are aligned with it.
What that goal is - it doesn't matter, but it's not about money or recognition (both of which I already had to some extent).

So I guess even having a house and a wife - there must necessarily be a next need (in my case it's moving towards another goal).
Otherwise, one can get bored, fall into a routine of monotony or even sleep it off ))))

Yeah, I've never understood people who are bored. There's so much to do, so many opportunities to develop. In Soviet times, the only entertainment was to read books, drink and/or fight. And now all avenues are open, if you don't whine and act.

My aim is to secure my old age by Forex, because I'm getting the minimum pension, I think))

Andrei Fandeev:

No, Alexei. This is a very important topic.
After all, how many people ask themselves the question "What for? What is there to strive for? What's it all for?" Agree it is so.
And such a simple question of the topic can put a person on the right path of reflection, of awareness.
Just even thinking about the Maslow Pyramid In relation to myself. - can be a very useful thing to do.

P.S. Looking at the steps of that pyramid, you can understand WHERE I am right now.
What is the statistically NEXT step?
WHAT exactly do I need to do now to get there?
And in general - do I NEED this step? Or is my OBJECTIVE different and I need to take different steps towards THAT goal now?

I expressed an opinion clearly on the topic of the thread - the man became a billionaire, what is his goal now? We simply cannot understand the mindset of a billionaire, the level and brains are not the same.

And what you have written is certainly correct, although not on the subject )).

Alexey Volchanskiy:

Yeah, I've never understood people who are bored. There's so much to do, so many opportunities to develop. In Soviet times, the only entertainment was to read books, drink and/or fight. And now all avenues are open, if you don't whine and act.

My aim is to secure my old age with Forex, because I have the minimum pension, I think )).

And then comes the old age and it turns out that the minimum pension is a lot of money, because I can't get any material wealth in my mouth.

What do you do then?

What to do? You don't need a material goal, and you haven't seen another goal all your life, you don't want to see it and you don't even know that there are goals that are not material.

As a famous man used to say - the meaning of life is expansion. If external expansion is no longer relevant according to the venerable billionaire, then now is the best time for internal expansion.
That's a big mouthful.