A man has become a billionaire. What is his purpose in life now? - page 3

Opinions of would-be couch-billionaires. It's like asking an Aboriginal person from Australia what the goals of a white man like us are. The answer is to make not one but 10 boomerangs, each one 2 metres long.
Aleksandr Yakovlev:
You're all so great. Help me with a start-up deposit or help me pay off my mortgage. You know, quietly, so no one knows.))

I understand your irony, but that's not what we were talking about.
For example I helped people who burned the floors of their house in order not to get stiff in winter. They had no opportunity to earn money.
Do you burn the floors to get warm? )))

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Opinions of would-be couch-billionaires. It's like asking an Aboriginal person from Australia what the goals of a white person like us are. So he will answer, - to make not one, but 10 boomerangs and each one 2 meters long.

No, Alexei. This is a very important topic.
After all, how many people ask the question "What for? "What is there to strive for? What's it all for?" Agree it is so.
And such a simple question of the topic can put a person on the right path of reflection, of awareness.
Just even thinking about the Maslow Pyramid Applied to themselves - can be a very useful exercise.

P.S. Looking at the steps of that pyramid, you can understand WHERE I am right now.
What is the statistically NEXT step?
WHAT exactly do I need to do now to get there?
And in general - do I NEED this step? Or is my OBJECTIVE different and I need to take different steps towards THAT goal now?



the purpose of life is to become more human...

Andrei Fandeev:

I understand your irony, but that's not what we were talking about.
For example, I've helped people who burned the floors of their house in the stove to keep from freezing to death in winter. They had no opportunity to earn money.
Do you burn the floors to get warm? )))

I had a slightly different story. I used to run around the city dump as a kid and find things to wear. Now I won't let that happen to my children. I give things away after my kids for free or take them to church. It's a kind of help. I can't afford any more.

Aleksandr Yakovlev:

I had a slightly different story. I used to run around the city dump as a kid and find things to wear. Now I won't let that happen to my children. I give things away after my kids for free or take them to church. It's a kind of help. I can't afford any more.

Alexander, God will thank you for that too! What you can.

Andrei Fandeev:

Not exactly true -"As of the end of 2016, Bill Gates has don atedover $31 billion of personal cash to charity " - Wikipedia.
Which means your statement is not correct.

Not to charity, but to his charitable foundation for himself and his family, to prevent taxation.


Цукерберг отверг обвинения в уклонении от налогов через благотворительность
Цукерберг отверг обвинения в уклонении от налогов через благотворительность
  • 2015.12.05
  • Интерфакс
  • www.interfax.ru
Москва. 5 декабря. INTERFAX.RU - Основатель и глава Facebook Марк Цукерберг отверг появившиеся обвинения в том, что его планы пожертвовать 99% акций компании на благотворительность - это лишь схема уклонения от налогов, сообщает The Guardian. 1 декабря у Цукерберга и его жены Присциллы Чан родилась дочь, и после этого основатель соцсети заявил...

Not for charitable purposes, but for your own charitable foundation for yourself and your family, to prevent taxation.

Yes, I agree, this foundation (I was talking about the Gates Foundation) is not without flaws and reproaches, like many others of its kind.
But the important thing is that they help.

Andrei Fandeev:

But most importantly, they help.

It depends on what you call help. And it's not even certain that they help.

Alexey Volchanskiy:
Opinions of future sofa billionaires. It's like asking an aborigine in Australia what are the goals of a white man like us. So he will answer, -to make not one but 10 boomerangs, and each for 2 meters.


- Why are you lying naked under a palm tree? You have to set up a company, take a loan, build a hotel, organise excursions, sell related products, make a lot of money, pay back the loan, and become the leader of the tourism industry in this place !!!

- Why ?

- To do shit and lie under a palm tree !

- And I'm lying under a palm tree doing shit anyway.

For me, "A good house, a good wife - what else does a man need to face his old age..."