Exploring the Graal. "The 'tester grail' only works on the tester. And how to make an online chart become like a tester chart. Or - page 9

Alexander Ivanov:

what code?


The access code to the flat where the money is deposited).

СанСаныч Фоменко:

I don't condemn the tester as such.

The tester is testing something and one should always understand very well WHAT the tester is testing.

If the idea of the algorithm is based on the idea of stability of predictive ability, then the tester will show exactly this result on historical data. If the tester checks the correctness of an entry by crossing two bars, the EA's future performance is NOT known, because no future problems have been set.

Suppose I have conceived some strategy on 2 MAs, and I have some reason to believe it will work. No MOs, everything will be on logic, and the TC will be done by hand.

Tell me, and how to design-test it properly? Don't tell me platitudes and generalities, like we design-debug it on one section of BP, test it on the other, then on the third, for 50 years, and so on.

So, your suggestions? How to implement your "ideas of inherent stability..." in this particular case?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Suppose I have conceived some strategy on 2 MAs, and I have some reason to believe it will work. No MO, everything will be on logic, and the TS will be done by hand.

Tell me, and how to design-test it properly? Don't tell me platitudes and generalities, like we design-debug it on one section of BP, test it on the other, then on the third, for 50 years, and so on.

So, your suggestions? How to implement your "ideas of inherent stability..." in this particular case?

The indicators (predictors) used should have:

1. Predictive ability, expressed by some value .

2. this predictive power may NOT vary more than one percent.

All this is decided BEFORE the tester.

If it's about dummies, they do NOT have predictive ability and so it simply won't come to the tester.


Have written about this a thousand times and you're talking about fish pennies again.


If you trade purely with your hands then the tester has nothing to do with it, if you trade with your hands using any indicators then most likely the tester has nothing to do with it either, or maybe it does, anyway I'm discussing a 100% robot

СанСаныч Фоменко:

The indicators (predictors) used must have:

1. Predictive power expressed as a value .

2. this predictive capability may NOT vary by more than one percent.

All this is decided BEFORE the tester.

If it's about dummies, they do NOT have predictive ability and so it simply won't come to the tester.


Have written about this a thousand times and you're talking about fish pennies again.


If you trade purely with your hands then the tester has nothing to do with it. If you trade with your hands using any indicators then most likely the tester has nothing to do with it either, or maybe it does, anyway I'm discussing a robot at 100%.

I understand that SanSanych is unable to offer anything in particular. Only general words.

SanSanych, we have all heard it more than once. You have been writing this regularly for several years. You repeat it, however. I asked you not to offer platitudes and generalities.


The access code to the flat where the money is deposited).

Alexander Ivanov:

What's the code?

the grail?

No problem with the grail, the tester grail. and not just any grail, but a grail grail.

A gift. From the bottom of my heart, especially since it's not my code.

From my posts and graphics and grail text.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

Clearly, SanSanych has nothing concrete to offer. Only general words.

SanSanych, we have all heard this more than once. You have been writing this regularly for several years, you are repeating yourself, however. I asked you not to mention platitudes and generalities.

Maybe you just do not understand what I have been writing for several years? Maybe you do not want to understand? Maybe you are just too lazy to take my links to the packages and publications I cite and figure it out, since you don't understand WHAT I write?

СанСаныч Фоменко:

and in my opinion it is the best predictive tool

СанСаныч Фоменко:

If it's about mash-ups, they do NOT have predictive power and so it simply won't come to the tester.

This is a very bold statement. Especially considering that 90% of indicators are either prepared on the basis of MAHs, or use them in one way or another.

I should have said it more accurately - I, SanSanSanych, have not found any predictive ability of MAKs.

SanSanych - MAs have predictive ability as well as all other indicators and other BP processing. Just because you don't see something doesn't mean it isn't there.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

This is a very bold statement. Especially considering that 90% of indicators are either prepared based on MAKs, or use them in one way or another.

I should have said it more accurately - I, SanSanSanıc, have not found any predictive power in MACs.

SanSanych - MAs have predictive ability as well as all other indicators and other BP processing. If you don't see something, it doesn't mean it's missing.

I don't see anything at all - I count. Predictive power is a number.

And on the subject of using wipes, more specifically the HP filter, I even wrote an article, with figures and graphs. It's a hollow exercise to use any kind of smoothing.

СанСаныч Фоменко:

No problem with the grail, the tester grail. and not just any grail, but a grail grail.

A gift. From the bottom of my heart, especially since it's not my code.

From my posts and graphics and grail text.

Grails like this, even 10 times better than this, are lying around everywhere. You can toss it in the trash.

Giving a link to products like this is just malicious.