Are you ready to meet the black swan? - page 17

Did you give them money back for their subscription? If not, the term failed is questionable.

This is a personal initiative: to return or not to return. Nowhere does it say anything about refunding. Subscribers have to be aware of the risk themselves.

Aliaksandr Maksimau:

This is a personal initiative: to return or not to return. Nowhere does it say anything about refunding. Subscribers must be aware of the risk themselves.

So I asked if it was a personal initiative. Or did you not understand the question?


Well, that's what I was asking: was it a personal initiative? Or did you not understand the question?

I get it now)). That's not my signal.

Alexandr Saprykin:

Stop overposting, it's hard to keep your eyes open.

Why, why?

Well, there is an "edit" button where you can edit your post.

I agree, the mediocrity of communication on the forum is striking.

If you trade many instruments at once and let's say 28, you can allocate 1/28 of your deposit to 1 instrument. That's when the black swan doesn't scare you. But this is without leverage of course. With leverage the calculation is a bit more complicated.
Nikolai Semko So what about the swan? Is it like a gut feeling, your own analysis or expert opinion (someone else's)?
They say there is a possibility that markets may collapse in autumn... Well, economists... Like the Decline of the dollar empire and all that...)
Nikolai Semko:

"Black Swan-

I wonder who comes up with such names... Fruit of a sick imagination: Black Swan, saucer, diamond, cup on saucer, dragon, frog...

The event was predictable...

I love black swans, but only when roasted).

That's your tactic, why don't you say something?

ZS: How about putting 99% on deposit in a bank and 1% on a platform? Wouldn't you rather be a rancher?

In short, the first swan was in 2010

and for a reason, I gather, after doing a little research...

It is at the very least a voualisation of some mathematical recalculation in the market.

A correction-maximum, so to speak.