Canvas is cool! - page 39


GIF and PNG readers were already here

Judging by its functionality, it is an "unpacker" of the format. Designed to read data from a .gif file. To complete the porting, you need to add playback functionality to MQL using Ccanvas class.

ZS. Reader after all.

Dmitry Fedoseev:


Are you the author of the ported reader?
Dmitry Fedoseev:
If you know Zorro, tell him he's good and let him try to finish porting by writing a replay algorithm in MQL. It will be hard for him from the 19th century, but let him try.)
Реter Konow:

Especially for Peter :) didn't get lazy!

show_gif.ex5  2989 kb
Yury Kulikov:

Especially for Peter :) didn't get lazy!

Thanks. It's not a brute-force overrun of .bmp frames compressed with the #resource command, is it? ))) Definitely not. It's a natural, rewritten in a couple of hours gif-file playback adapter on MQL-canvas, based on the ported .gif-reader. I must look like an idiot from the outside)))

Yuri, thanks for the demo, but anyone can do such a thing. Easy.

  1. Take a simple gif. Record it on video.
  2. Get all its frames from video.
  3. Save frames in .bmp format, numbered.

  4. Integrate frames to the script via #resource.

  5. Loop through the frames and display them one by one on canvas in endless loop.

As a result, we get a pseudo-gif that has no relation to standard gif-format representation in MQL-programs.



I will say that I also have a "pseudo-gif", but the technology is much more complex. It has author compression and a playback mechanism. And most importantly, the "pseudo-gifs" are bound to their elements and are reproduced from a common array. Compression is better than via the #resource directive, because unchanging colours are not written from frame to frame.

Yury Kulikov:

Especially for Peter :) didn't get lazy!

Yuri, you're a class act. Get involved in developing a solution for standard gifs on MKL.
Реter Konow:

You must be measuring people by your own standards.

There's a gif in the resources in the script, which I copied from Nikolai's post.

Maybe try another script, where the gif file is specified in the script parameters, the file should be in the Files folder.


GIF and PNG readers were already here

Yay, Thanks!
Time saved is time earned.

Реter Konow:

It's a fiasco, bro!