Canvas is cool! - page 32

Dmitry Fedoseev:

There is another option, and it is probably the most interesting and useful. Win API: AVIFileOpen(), AVIFileCreateStream(), etc.

yeah, interesting, I'll have a look
Реter Konow:

About it all being easy, of course, that's nonsense. I lied myself. It's almost impossible to create hypes (much less videos) on your own from scratch. You need a huge technological base. You have to know how to work on canvas, know all the subtleties. In my case, I had to have a markup language, a constructor, an engine, and a lot of other things.

If you implement the gif with internal tools then it may work, but is it possible to integrate such a solution into the internal library, given that the library doesn't work with canvas at all? I have my own windows on canvas and plenty of my own solutions. But with standard tools you can make a prototype, but it is unlikely to be a fully usable thing.

Yeah, some markup language, some builder, some engine... but what's it got to do with the gif? If something moves, is it a gif?

Dmitry Fedoseev:

Yeah, some kind of markup language, some kind of constructor, some kind of engine... but what does that have to do with a gif? Is it a gif if it moves?

What do you think a gif is?
Nikolai Semko:

Thank you, Andrew :)

I will explain, Andrew, my logical reasoning to your question "can you save in video?".
Before answering any question, I try to understand by available means, who is asking the question and his level. In order, firstly, to structure my answer more correctly and understandably, and, secondly, to understand the meaning of a very vague question, so as not to answer a question with a question.
Clearly - I went to your profile.
  • If I had seen a rating of say 162 there and had been on the forum for 2-5 months, I would have understood that the question is asked by a newbie.
And I would have answered simply: "At the moment, video saving is not implemented in MT5, but it can be done if you want".
  • But I remember that your name came up frequently on the forum and from your profile, I realized that I'm dealing with an experienced programmer, who has been on the forum for more than 10 years, who is 5 times bigger than me in number of posts and has at least one article, 5 completed jobs and three QB codes in his arsenal, and his rating is higher than mine by more than 2 times.
So I guess you're an expert in MT5 and you know the documentation as well as I do, so I think your question about possibility to save video and you're interested in my opinion, because I'm kind of an expert in Kanvas.
That's why I started answering you in the format of potential capability.
  • Or maybe you're just another smart guy who likes to make fun of others like "your brooms can fly".

But the banterers don't really bother me because, as a rule, they are people who consider themselves very smart but are very unintelligent and clumsy in fact, against whom, as a rule, an easy trick of psychological aikido is enough and they collapse with general laughter.

ZS And as for the moon, your answer NO made me smile. Know this, it is your correct answer. My 'wrong' answer to such a question will again be different depending on who is asking me the question.

I think the answer should be at the level of the person answering, not the level of the person asking the question.
I assume the answer should be at the level of the person asking the question, not the level of the person asking the question.
I didn't mean to make fun of you, thank you for appreciating my level of knowledge.
Dmitry Fedoseev:

...but what's that got to do with it? On the principle that if something moves, it's a hyph?

In terms of the Wikipedia definition, I'm not really a gif. The format there implies only 256 possible colours and indexing the colour palette. I didn't do that yet, because I wanted to avoid a possible degradation of quality. Of course the image is better compressed, but for 200*200 size gifs with 10 frames it's not very necessary. They compress well as they are.
Not "not really", but "not at all" not a gif ))
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Not "not quite", but "not at all" not a gif ))

Why? Have you read the definition from the Wiki? Apparently not. Here's a quote:

Animated images[edit | edit code]

The GIF format supports animated images. They're a sequence of several staticframes, along with information about how long each frame should be shown on the screen. An animation can be looped so that the first frame starts after the last one and so on.

GIF animation can use transparency so that the next frame is not saved as a whole, but only changes relative to the previous one.

An undocumented but supported feature is the ability to save more colours with an animated GIF with zero delay between frames. This overcomes the 256 colour limitation: each frame contains its own palette [4].

Example GIF picture.

Compression[edit | edit]

GIF uses the LZW compression format. It's good for compressing images with repeating lines. Particularly images with manypixels of the same colour horizontally[5].

The LZW compression algorithm belongs to the lossless compression formats. This means that data recovered from a GIF will be exactly the same as the packed data. It should be noted that this is only true for 8-bit palette images, for a colour photo the loss will be due to its conversion to 256 colours.

The LZW compression method was developed in 1978by IsraelisAbrahamLempel and Jacob Ziv, and later refined in the USA by Terry Welch. LZW compresses data by searching for identical sequences (called "phrases") throughout a file. Identified sequences are stored in a table and assigned shorter tokens (keys).

The LZW method, just like RLE, works better on areas of uniform, noise-free colours, it works much better than RLE at compressing arbitrary graphical data, but the encoding and decompressing process is slower.

GIF — Википедия
GIF — Википедия
Graphics Interchange Format Расширение MIME-тип Сигнатура Разработчик Тип формата GIF (англ.  «формат для обмена изображениями») — популярный растровый формат графических изображений. Способен хранить сжатые данные без потери качества в формате не более 256 цветов. Не зависящий от аппаратного обеспечения формат GIF был разработан в 1987...
Dmitry Fedoseev:
Not "not really", but "not at all" not a gif ))

Now, reread my implementation of the gif. The compression methods are similar, although they differ in detail. It is impossible to achieve a full match, because my playback mechanisms and all the work with the canvas are author's.

I am waiting for your realization)). Show us all what a real gif is)).

Zy. You seem to be using your authority to show off your language like a child. You've never created such a thing and you're arguing with someone who's done a lot of work on it. This is ridiculous. And if you argue, give some facts, some codes. I'm not arguing with you on the subject of higher mathematics so as not to seem like an idiot. Don't turn into a little troll. Keep your credibility.

Why are you trolling a great thread here?