From theory to practice - page 781


You're a strange one, uncle. Are you really a physicist? I don't recall among fellow physicists such secrecy and a penchant for innuendo instead of open dialogue.

You're probably just as much of a hoarder as bass is.

I already told you, I'm not a physicist. Not a physicist. What makes you say that, uncle?

You're not much of a physicist, either. Who's trying to find a solution? So, you're a sodbuster, too. Hello, colleague!)

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I've already written that I'm not a physicist. Not a physicist. What makes you say that, uncle?

Why are you meddling in your own business? You go play with the bulls' tails.


Why are you minding your own business? You go run the bulls' tails.

I'm not a bull man. I'm an expert on sheep.) I find some very interesting specimens.

Since when is forex the preserve of physicists? There's no evidence to support that hypothesis yet.

Maybe you should mind your own business. You will be of use to mankind.


Why are you minding your own business? Go and spin the bulls' tails.

Don't look at them, and write your thoughts as you trade...

It'll be very helpful.


Why are you minding your own business? Go spin the bulls' tails.

Are you trading on spikes or are you trying to bounce and trend?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

I've already written that I'm not a physicist. Not a physicist. What makes you say that, uncle?

You're not much of a physicist, either. Who's trying to find a solution? So, you're a sodbuster, too. Hello, colleague.)

Edison.For example, to select the best filament material for an incandescent lamp, a scientist had to sequentially search through about six thousand samples until carbonized bamboo was found.

I think that ifAlexander_K2 went through 6000 variations of algorithms, he would find his grail. Just have to consider that Edison worked 17 hours a day).


Edison:To choose the best filament material for an incandescent lamp, for example, the scientist had to sequentially search through some six thousand samples until carbonised bamboo was found.

Not Edison, but his lab technicians) Yablochkov hit it on the fourth try - because he knew what he was doing))


Edison.To select the best filament material for an incandescent lamp, for example, the scientist had to sequentially search through some six thousand samples until carbonised bamboo was found.

This is how Nikola Tesla spoke of his colleague:

If Edison needed to find a needle in a haystack, he would waste no time in identifying the most likely location. He would immediately, with the feverish diligence of a bee, begin examining straw after straw until he found the object of his search. His methods are highly ineffective: he can spend a huge amount of time and energy and achieve nothing unless he is helped by a happy accident. At first I watched his activities with sadness, realising that a little theoretical knowledge and calculation would save him thirty percent of his labour. But he had a genuine contempt for book learning and mathematical knowledge, trusting wholly to his ingenuity as an inventor and to the common sense of an American.

A_K's working methods are reminiscent of Edison's.

Martin Cheguevara:

Are you trading on spikes or are you trying to bounce and trend?

I'm using the "return to average" strategy from the channel boundaries, whether it's a channel around the moving expectation or a channel relative to 0 for the sum of increments in the moving window.

Both variants do not work well for me. I do not understand why. They SHOULD work. I've tried a billion models from Wiener process etc. (they differ only in the way dispersion is calculated and the requirements for ACF) - it doesn't work, even to death.

I repeat - these models easily cope with SB, but market BPs do not. I don't see what the big deal is.... I suspect it's in the "memory" of the process, well, what you attribute to 2% non-randomness. How to account for that - I don't know.


I'm using the "return to average" strategy from the boundaries of the channel, whether it's a channel around the moving expectation or a channel relative to 0 for the sum of the increments in the moving window.

Both variants do not work well for me. I do not understand why. They SHOULD work. I've tried a billion models from Wiener process etc. (they differ only in the way dispersion is calculated and the requirements for ACF) - it doesn't work, even to death.

I repeat - these models easily cope with SB, but market BPs do not. I don't see what the big deal is.... I suspect it's in the "memory" of the process, well, what you attribute to 2% non-randomness. How to account for that - don't know.

it's a flat strategy

How many times can you torture the keyboard?