From theory to practice - page 779

Олег avtomat:

I'm kindly giving you a hint.

Yes? I hadn't noticed. Philosopher....


I didn't have the usual pips, I had the keys (as I thought...) - kurtosis and asymmetry. Didn't help a bit. It's a shame...

What's the matter, Danila the Master, you can't make a stone flower?

We told you that excess and asymmetry are neither in ... nor in the Red Army, but you didn't listen. Told you that to know the future, it's good to know the present, not the past. You missed the key, and you got a flushable pipsqueak instead of the Grail. And the key is now a far cry from here. But even if you find the key, it won't do any good. You still have to find the door, which this key will open.

People. Please clarify for me. Is the oscillator being used for trading?
Oleg Papkov:
Folks. Please clarify. Is it possible to trade with an oscillator?

If we are talking about stochastic, it is not mastered alone, only in combination with other indicators or methods.

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What's the matter, Danila the Master, not getting the stone flower?

They told you that excessive asymmetry is neither in ... nor in the Red Army, but you didn't listen. Told you that to know the future, it's good to know the present, not the past, you skipped your ears. You missed the key. The key is now a long way off. But even if you find the key, it won't do any good. You still have to find the door that opens the key.

The story of Pinocchio comes to mind at once

Сказка о приключениях Буратино. — DRIVE2
Сказка о приключениях Буратино. — DRIVE2
Этот пост немного необычный. Я хочу рассказать вам одну сказку. История "с бородой", но иногда так хочется некоторым напомнить ее. Итак, начнем: Жил был на свете Буратино. Жилось ему хорошо и спокойно. Но однажды он, скуки ради разглядывая себя в зеркале, с удивлением обнаружил, что у него на животе оказывается вместо пупка гайка. «Во, как...
Yuriy Asaulenko:

If we are talking about stochastic, it is not mastered alone, only in combination with other indicators or methods.

Rollback strategy, not necessarily on stochastics. A sea of other oscillators.

Oleg Papkov:

A rolling strategy, not necessarily on stochastics. A sea of other oscillators.

RSI - all about the same.

I won't say anything about the sea. It is beyond my competence.


Ahem... What have I been talking about all morning? The minus, of course - to keep others out of the Variance Gamma Process. As you can see, the excess didn't help matters either...

Maybe it's all about the wrong prayer and the wrong god...?

Yuriy Asaulenko:

What's the matter, Danila the Master, you can't make a stone flower?

They told you that excessive asymmetry is neither in ... nor in the Red Army, but you didn't listen. They told you that to know the future, it's good to know the present, not the past. You missed the key, and you got a flushable pipsqueak instead of the Grail. And the Key is now a far cry from here. But even if you find the key, it won't do any good. You still need to find the door, which this key will open.

It's not working, alas...

But it's a little early to bury me. I'm reading Gunn. It's very interesting. If you read it carefully - it speaks allegorically of what this thread is all about - the Grail in the sliding windows. But not simple, but golden. And the excesses will still play their part.

It's hard to call it anything new. Or simply from statistics and probabilities have moved off the beaten track of thechanalysis and onto the highway. How is it real? Or maybe I just don't get it. Maybe some idea you could give me, which I know, but I can't get into the scenario. Some sort of interference of the mathematical, statistical-probabilistic approach with the oscillatory rollback approach.