From theory to practice - page 1967

what is a prospector?
is someone who believes there is something there.
Who wakes up every morning, over and over again, believing there's something there.
and there's nothing there.
and he stands on the edge of the desert, staring into the face of a new day dawning,
and he hears this voice telling him, "go on... dig in..."
and the sun goes higher and higher, now it's very high, it's terribly hot.
and he doesn't have a drop of water. and everyone who came with him wants to leave.
and he's still there... left alone.
But the faith... that there's something there in the ground... it's always with him.
that's the prospector.

Obviously, this text is a message from above.

what is a prospector?
is someone who believes there is something there.
Who wakes up every morning, over and over again, believing there's something there.
and there's nothing there.
and he stands on the edge of the desert, staring into the face of a new day dawning,
and he hears this voice telling him, "go on... dig in..."
and the sun goes higher and higher, now it's very high, it's terribly hot.
and he doesn't have a drop of water. and everyone who came with him wants to leave.
and he's still there... left alone.
But the faith... that there's something there in the ground... it's always with him.
That's the prospector.

May the Almighty reward him who believes!


You haven't signed up yet? Don't be late. The start is on 15 September.


It is a shame and a crime to those who suffer.

So Toddler is not and never was a prophet... And I was about to believe in him... Ugh. That's a shame.

Get a bollinger already and don't suffer)

1967 pages of essentially useless rubbish.


Is there even one person from this branch who has been able to apply anything at all?

After all, this branch has a rich history of ups and downs.)

Decided to support it)

PS: "Hope is the first step towards disappointment".


Good evening, dear traders!

I decided to leave the forum for a while, and immediately got bored:)))) And just to read, alas - not interesting. Everyone is busy with small problems within their personal models and their personal view of the market. They advise me to read about some miserable GARCHs...

So I'll continue my literary and technical exercises little by little, who is interested - read.

Once again I strongly recommend reading the topics:

probability density function of the pricing process, not the price itself!!!!

Our task is more complicated - we add an integral component to this equation.

So we will numerically solve this equation given the following terms for our case:

drift - moving weighted average WMA

diffusion - weighted dispersion

integral component - the averaged variance of the archive data at a given sample size.

We will continue tomorrow.



What a fun way to start...

And in the end... parishioners, icons in front of the screen... Eh... pity the man. But I do believe he found his way. And just doesn't talk about it.

and how much fun it started out to be...

In the end... parishioners, icons in front of the screen... Eh... pity the man. But I still believe he found his way. And just doesn't talk about it.

Blessed is he who believes.


Blessed is he who believes.

And if you believe in one who is blessed?) Then blessed is X2 ?=D


If Sasha is still watching this thread.

If you watch closely the end of the period interesting manipulations take place.

How can you break away from the time if at this point there is a specific time gpeyut.


What is it again? Waiting for next Monday. Hee-hee....