From theory to practice - page 1962

Mihail Marchukajtes:
You guys have already written more pages than the machine learning thread and still haven't moved on to practice? I confess I'm extremely surprised.....

Already crossed over and back again. In short.

Evgeniy Chumakov:

Already removed the signal, not even a week has passed. Maybe he doesn't want to shine the grail ))

Judging from previous results, doesn't want to shine the losses)


Judging from previous results, doesn't want to shine a light on the losses)

Now Volodya will show everyone how to trade
Vladimir Baskakov:
Now Volodya will show everyone how to trade

looks like he's off on a fishing trip...

AK why did you remove the signal? I was watching.
Evgeniy Chumakov:
AK why did you remove the signal? I was watching.

I am forbidden by Toddler to shine a light on him.

He walks slowly towards the Quiet House through the mountain of misery... Will he reach it? God knows...


I am forbidden by Toddler to shine a light on him.

He walks slowly towards the Quiet House through the mountain of misery... Will he reach it? God knows...

Yeah, it's not like you to mess with people's heads with your ramblings.

I am forbidden by Toddler to shine a light on him.

He walks slowly towards the Quiet House through the mountain of misery... Will he reach it? God knows...

ahah ;)

Reading your posts on that forum.

You have themes there like two approaches to the market (Markovian and non-Markovian) etc.

And you didn't dig specifically to determine the state of the time series at the moment? And already on the basis of this to apply a different approach.

There is something on the net about the definition of Markovian, but I can't get it.

Для определения марковости необходимо найти частотную характеристику формирующего фильтра. 
Зная ее, можно определить порядок дифура и тогда можно определить марковость. 
Но чтобы найти частотную характеристику, нужно найти спектральную плотность.

Определить марковость процесса - Теория вероятностей - Киберфорум
Определить марковость процесса Теория вероятностей Ответ
Evgeniy Chumakov:

ahaha ;)

Reading your posts on that forum.

You have topics there like two approaches to the market (Markovian and non-Markovian) etc.

And you didn't dig specifically in the direction of determining the state of the time series at a given moment? And already on the basis of this to apply a different approach.

There is something on the net about the definition of Markovian, but I can't get it.

Is the price series of an instrument obtained in certain quotes, frames (ticks) a sufficient representation of the market?

Simply speaking - is it possible to look at EURUSD (plus its history) and perform a deal on it ignoring all other information flow? Is the necessary information available?

Evgeniy Chumakov:

ahaha ;)

Reading your posts on that forum.

You have topics there like two approaches to the market (Markovian and non-Markovian) etc.

And you didn't dig specifically in the direction of determining the state of the time series at a given moment? And already on the basis of this to apply a different approach.

There is something on the net about the definition of Markovian, but I can't get it.

Do you want to return to the endless search for the coveted key to the market?

No! This is the road to the abyss, to hunger and misery... For the mimicry of the SB is the Great Mystery of the market, which no mere mortal can know.

You just have to chop the cash off the shoulder and that's it.