From theory to practice - page 1970

Uladzimir Izerski:


Such a respectable peeple climbing up and down the garbage branch. Welcome, sir.))

"♪ If you only knew what a piece of garbage ♪

Uladzimir Izerski:

Life is good and fun when you have money.


Some have none or very little to live on. That's why these posts. Hee hee.

Self-criticism is good... respect

Aleksey Nikolayev:

"If you only knew from what rubbish."

Respect to all of you in the trash branch. You are my friends)))))))))))))

Uladzimir Izerski:

Respect to everyone in the trash branch. You are my friends)))))))))))))

a set of harmonics of all frequencies evenly distributed is perfect white noise

and black has many concepts, usually noise that is not audible, a set of harmonics above 20 kHz or below 20 Hz. But there are other understandings as well.

And why rubbish?

Self-criticism is good, self-deprecation is not good)

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

a set of harmonics of all frequencies evenly distributed is perfect white noise

and black has many concepts, usually noise that is not audible, a set of harmonics above 20 kilohertz or below 20 hertz. But there are other understandings as well.

And why rubbish?

Self-criticism is good, self-deprecation is not good)

A joke-satire form of communication always appeals to everyone. It can then be translated into a normal way of doing things.

It's a way of attracting those interested in the topic. No bad things to look for here.

Valeriy Yastremskiy:

a set of harmonics of all frequencies evenly distributed is perfect white noise

and black has many concepts, usually noise that is not audible, a set of harmonics above 20 kilohertz or below 20 hertz. But there are other understandings as well.

The brown one is most similar to the price, as it's just a SB with a clipped spectrum. You could listen to it for the right tuning)

Aleksey Nikolayev:

For the price, the brown one is the most similar, as it's just an SB with a clipped spectrum. You can listen to it for the right mood)

In that sense yes, can't argue) 90s, synclair sound, 2000s, modem sound, 2020s, price range sound)))

Sounds cool)
Aleksey Nikolayev:

For the price, the brown one is the most similar, as it's just an SB with a clipped spectrum. You can listen to it for the right mood).

Here's even an interest. After watching the video.

The gamma of the sounds is not out of any limit. I mean, there's a limit to everything. I mean, roughly speaking, even about the markets.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

For the price, the brown one is the most similar, as it's just an SB with a clipped spectrum. You can listen to it for the right mood)

And that's more like the profound comments in the thread )

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

And that's more like the profound comments in the thread )

The lights of science have picked out the main point. But they haven't even grasped the subtleties.