From theory to practice - page 1116



I'm thinking about what I said... But it could be so. Then communication on this forum makes no sense whatsoever.

I assume that there are no professionals on this forum and there can't be. That it is a crowd of beggars and the destitute with nothing to lose, except for joint search of the Grail. Or, for those for whom Forex is a hobby (like for me) in addition to their job as the main source of income.

If one imagines that there are people here purposely throwing in misinformation, then it's not good... Not good at all...

Kesha Rutov:

Well yes, it's bad, but it's a field, what do you want... The more potential, prospects, the weirder and weirder everything is, everywhere there are lies, scams, and even if you know the "right way", it's 10-20 years of hard work for 10 hours a day with uncertain results in the end. But there are a lot of more "stable" offers in the labor market, I'm not talking about a total trash for the uneducated, so if you squeeze your buttocks tightly you can squeeze in a "rower" for a software company, try to climb up the career ladder, have your 1-2k$ "blood money"(in the literal sense), and in the evenings and weekends to drink and smoke grass to cool the overheated brains. Although the prognosis is still not favorable, rowers burn out quickly and if there is no political acumen and did not grow into management, then after 30 .... ...after 40 you'll get your ass kicked, if you can stand it and that's the end of it, to the police or to the robbers. It is difficult fate of the plebeian, it is karma, but sometimes one out of a hundred thousand is lucky, and the rest suffer, such is the reality.

The scale of lies and misconceptions in this industry is beyond belief.

I totally agree with you.


Asaulenka does not and cannot have any state.

You're right again. Maybe I'm not. You don't know anything about it, and I never said anything about it.
I'm sitting here, now regression, now neural network, now python, and it's bothering a lot of people for some reason). It's like an itch.
Why are you getting so excited? No, go on. Just curious.
Renat Akhtyamov:

You think about it.

Or let Max write an article and we'll read it.

IKS-16=00 on the server.

I've been looking for it more than that because it's a flat top, you can't tell exactly without the math.

What are you trying to pull again? took a Chaikin-like volatility indicator and put a sine wave on it

you're a master of your craft, moxel moxel, here's a pie

i don't understand these people... what they do )))) and i will never understand

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

what are you doing again? took a volatility indicator like Chaikin and put a sine wave on it

just a master of his craft, yokels moxel, here's a pie

i don't understand these people... what they do )))) and i will never understand

which Chaikin? you don't know what I've got there ;)
Renat Akhtyamov:
What Chaykin? You don't know what I've got there ;)

I told you what you got there.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

I told you what you got.

he's got this:

Chaikin oscillator = SMA (A / D, 3) - SMA (A / D, 10)

I'm not even close to it, because no averaging is applied


I've been away for a while.

I don't have the energy to read the nonsense I missed.

Do you know how many women are successfully trading in the markets and not waiting for A_K to hand them the coveted grail?

With all that knowledge and empty pockets? You should be ashamed of yourself in front of women.)

Nobody will give you a ready-made recipe. You can vent your anger on Asaulenko or me, but it will not do you any good.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I've been away for a while.

I don't have the energy to read the nonsense I missed.

Do you know how many women are successfully trading in the markets and not waiting for A_K to hand them the coveted grail?

With all that knowledge and empty pockets? You should be ashamed of yourself in front of women.)

Nobody will give you a ready-made recipe. On Asaulenko or me you can vent your anger, but this will not add benefit.

Vova, first of all I already looked at your state. Only Avtomat's is lower.

Secondly. You are an active member of the forum, you leap into all the topics without exception with such a low rating and a complete lack of a coherent theory. This is unacceptable.

Pardon me.


Vova, first of all, I've already looked at your state. Only the Automat's is lower.

Secondly. You are an active member of the forum, you jump into every topic without exception with such a low rating and a complete lack of a coherent theory. This is unacceptable.

Pardon me.

All right. I'll justify the period.

Here's the thing:

Every 24 hours it kind of resets and starts working from scratch, at midnight sharp, so for now it's the only way and no other way.

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Vova, first of all, I've already looked at your state. Only the Automat's is lower.

Secondly. You are an active member of the forum, you jump into every topic without exception with such a low rating and a complete lack of a coherent theory. This is unacceptable.

Pardon me.

No A.K., you're lower. And you're not so good at theory either. I'm not reproaching, but don't go around thinking you're holier than the Pope.