From theory to practice - page 1117

Yuriy Asaulenko:
No, A.K., you're lower. And you're not so good at theory either. No offense, but don't get all high and mighty and holier-than-thou than the pope.

Shit. I have to agree. Starting next week, I'm back in business - I'll be posting deals and state. I'll shut up.


Vova, first of all, I've already looked at your state. Only the Automat's is lower.

Secondly. You are an active member of the forum, you jump into every topic without exception with such a low rating and a complete lack of a coherent theory. This is unacceptable.

Pardon me.

Sasha, after the sauna I can drink beer and chat with "smart" uncles. Who are no different than shepherds of lambs in certain fields. In trading, for instance.

Uladzimir Izerski:

Sasha, after the bath I can have a beer and have a chat with the 'smart' uncles. Who are no different from shepherds of lambs in some areas. Like trading.

Okay. Realising that my state is no better, I apologise.


Okay. Realizing that my state's no better, I apologize.

I'm not offended.

Arrogance doesn't make a person look good. You got an appropriate response.

I accept your apology.

Uladzimir Izerski:

I'm not offended.

Arrogance doesn't make a person look good. You got an appropriate response.

I accept your apology.

What are you doing here ? Yusuf in the next thread has already prepared a cauldron of cash, and Alexander here is just one pocket...
Yury Kirillov:
What a grail you're all jockeying for! Yusuf in the next thread has already made a pail of cash, and Alexander here is just one pocket...

We're all cooked up, just like him.

It's easy

but what's the point?

Yury Kirillov:
What are you doing here? Yusuf in the next thread has already prepared a cauldron of cash, and Alexander here is just one pocket...

It's all about diplomas. Who has the longest). And Yusuf is trying, but nothing works, except chance.

Instead of adjusting their consciousness to the market, they adjust the market to their consciousness. They look at the market through their rear-view mirror.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It's all about diplomas. Who has the longest). And Yusuf is trying, but nothing works, except chance.

Instead of adjusting their consciousness to the market, they adjust the market to their consciousness. They look at the market through their rear-view mirror.

No one has the right degree.

There's only one option - self-education

Your father-in-law, the admin.

Look how much he's studied, how much code he's written.

I also went through all this, and I'm 100% sure a positive result is just around the corner.

Uladzimir Izerski:

It's all about diplomas. Who has the longest). And Yusuf is trying, but nothing works, except chance.

Instead of adjusting their consciousness to the market, they adjust the market to their consciousness. They look at the market through the rear-view mirror.

The East is a delicate business.
Yuriy Asaulenko:
The East is a delicate business.

After 70, you have to hurry or you might not make it in time. Let's wish him success. What can you do? It's too late for that.)