Who has a website? Is it worth it or not to keep your own resource? - page 8

What's the use in the top of the search for unique keywords if the traffic from them is one and a half people a year?

articles+advertising+spam... then people start spreading information like a contagion between each other, mentioning it here and there on the same forums, others start googling and immediately get hit

There's no point in having non-unique entries, they will come and go, and their traffic is not convertible.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:
I mean, without spam, etc., unique keywords are almost meaningless.
I mean, without spam etc, unique keywords are almost meaningless.

Why is this? It all depends on the saturation of the topic (corresponding to the selected keywords) with different product offerings. If the solution is unique, the search works fine. Otherwise, no one would use search engines and only look at the virtual feed of "spam"/"advertising" that is imposed in various places.

In general, the argument is meaningless without specifying the task: how effective the keywords will be depends on their combination, which in turn depends on the essence of the product.


I set up my website purely to sell one EA. The site has been running for three years, but without constant advertising, which you have to manually post on all the forums that the search engine generates, paid advertising, the influx of visitors is very small.

The first year, until monitoring has not collected a normal percentage of profitability, there were no messages from buyers at all. Everyone, of course, wants the product to work on real monitoring with a nice growth curve.

In fact, I think before you make your own and spend your time on it, it's better to try to place contextual advertising in VK, Yandex and Google. Allocate 5k to the cause to start and see if there will be a return. At Target from Yandex, you can fine-tune the target audience and the prices per click there start at 2p, as far as I remember.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Show me some posts here that get several thousand hits in a day? On other blogs, there are plenty of such posts. There are none here, or almost none. So all the talk about the relevance of blogs on mql.com brings nothing but a sad smile.

And what is the point of thousands of hits? It's the conversion that matters. It's higher when a person enters a query and gets a relevant answer.

Relevance is an almost mathematical concept. Arguing against it? No way.

Stanislav Korotky:

What's the point of thousands of views? It's the conversion that counts. It is higher when a person has entered a query and received a relevant answer.

Relevance is an almost mathematical concept. Argue against it? No way.

You can argue about relevance here, too. It's one of the reasons I got the idea for my own website, by the way. There's a product that's in steady, albeit low, demand. However, the attempt to find it through Google or Yandex showed that in the output of the answers he is far beyond the tenth page, and before that goes all sorts of spamm crap. I searched for other products placed in the market via search engines as well: it wasn't there. If you don't directly specify the name of the product, but only the words that appear in its description - you're more likely to accidentally stumble upon the Market than a search engine will give you a link. It feels like this segment of mql.com is being deliberately extinguished in the search engines.

I mean without spam etc unique keywords are almost meaningless.

well yeah, the articles here have over a dozen views on the english version of the site... 6k+ in 5 days for me, lol... really the article isn't tied to anything, it's just that...

There are a lot of ways to promote your site, you just need to understand the end goal ... and it's not search engine optimization ...

Vasiliy Sokolov:

It feels like this segment of mql.com is being deliberately extinguished in the search engines.

I would still assume that this result depends on product specifics (and keywords) and not entirely on the mql5 domain. I have the opposite situation (blog ranking at the top), and I haven't promoted anything anywhere. There's also the idea that ranking depends on the quality of the text and meaningful links between blog posts.
Vasiliy Sokolov:

If I do, it will only be in ASP.NET. I also don't want to depend on any engines/frameworks. Only ASP.NET, only hardcore. At the same time I will train my skills in this direction:).

p.s. And no "free sites" - it's not even serious somehow.

There were many sites, and on vps, and hosting, all on linux. Site - it's good, free of charge, there are a lot of restrictions, it's like comparing your car and a trolley bus.

ASP.NET, too, well, but from scratch do not advise, you spend a lot of time. There are a bunch of free asp.net cms, to which you can write your plugins / extras.

I at one time under the Linux used Joomla, is still my love.

The site needs to evolve, as noted in a previous post, it's a bicycle, stop pedalling - it's gone down. I think it's useful to use it for sales and support, as the possibilities are limited here.

Immediately you should choose a cms with an integrated forum or the ability to bolt it on.


PS: Something not paste a link to you, seen your CDictionary counterpart?


Библиотеки: CDictionary class
Библиотеки: CDictionary class
  • 2017.11.28
  • www.mql5.com
Статьи и техническая библиотека по автоматическому трейдингу: Библиотеки: CDictionary class
Vitalii Ananev:

There was no mention of the age of the site. But I agree that the age of the site also affects the position of the site in search results. Moreover, young sites up to about six months of search engines are kept in the so-called "sandbox" and above the 5 th do not let them in. And if at this time, begin to dramatically increase the link mass, the site runs the risk of falling under the filter from which a young site will be very difficult to get out.

In general, if you put 50 unique articles at once, search engine alert. I used to send newsletters, but now I do not even know, that someone reads the mail? Not me personally )