Who has a website? Is it worth it or not to keep your own resource? - page 5

Humble Imho.The topicstarter is an experienced programmer. I think his native web resource could be very interesting.
Basil, if there are vacancies, where should you submit your CV? :-))
Dennis Kirichenko:
Modest Imho.The topikstarter is an experienced programmer. I think his native web resource could be very interesting.
Basil, if there are vacancies, where should you submit your CV? :-))

massive website on mql ? that's a strong application...

I think his web site might be very interesting.


Alternatively, you could create an Instagram page with a link to your product page in the market, add pictures of products with descriptions, etc. And then use a special programme to chase them with the specified keys and subscribe (like them) to the pages of potential buyers.

Maybe there will be some sort of return on investment.


As has been correctly said, it is all a question of the uniqueness and usefulness of the content. In this case, even without any promotion, the site will gradually climb to the top. But you need to keep it up to date, replenish it.

What exactly is the idea of forex can be effective - it's hard to say, because there are already a lot of sites about forex. Simply advertising your own products is not very interesting compared to the market.

But if there are products that are linked to the site (and therefore, by the way, cannot be placed on the market) and collect on the site some (eventually profitable) statistics - then yes.


It's called whatever the baby needs... giving up free popular engines with excellent conversion rates in favour of your own site... it's like spitting in the wind :) All the major companies, in addition to their own site, are always present on free engines / social networks on a mandatory basis, because the main flow comes from there. All the more opportunities for customisation are great, and it will be indistinguishable from their own.

+ perks, like from Google. Google sites, blogger are perfectly targeted in the search engine by default, unlike your own site, which no one will ever find.

Vasiliy Sokolov:

The actual question is in the title of the topic. MetaQuotes gives you few opportunities to promote your products and ideas within the platform. There is a Marketplace with multilingual support, screenshots and descriptions (albeit short). There are blogs where you can publish additional material, including commercial ones. There is, after all, a forum where you can simply share your ideas.

On the other hand, many developers have their own websites. Recently thinking about the same - to have their own site. The question is, is it worth the effort? How will it increase sales? The site has to be seriously taken care of: content, translation, updating information, not to mention the permanent development. So it turns out that the cost, at least just the time will be serious, and monetisation from this case is not obvious. On the other hand, if you are serious about the site is still needed.

Feedback from those who have had such an experience. What do you think about it?

It makes sense, for the future and only solving many problems, not just increasing the sales of products on the market ...
Do not settle for a particular technology to create a site, choose according to many criteria (cost, how easy to find a developer, what templates are available, what options, etc.) For example, to start you can use WP, Drupal, Joomla.

If you do not understand how to promote the site in search engines, the first step is to find a specialist - he will solve a lot of problems at the stage of creation of the site. You can find a normal specialist for 10-15K rubles a month, but it will give a quick start, otherwise you will float for 1-2 years in the middle of nowhere. You will also need quality content on a regular basis, which is another 3-5K per month. No links! Internal optimization + unique high-quality content.

What can you get in the aftermath?

- Selling ads (5-30K per month, not regularly).

- Selling products

- Affiliate normal brokers (5-15K per month = sometimes more).

Generally, monetisation of traffic may be different...

For example, providing programming services can also bring not a bad profit...

And remember investing in your site you invest in their business, and laying out and discussing everything here you develop someone else's business ... (I feel the bombardment now someone ...)
Artem Titarenko:

It makes sense, in the long run and only solving a lot of problems, not just increasing the sales of products on the market...
Do not settle for a particular technology to create a site, you choose according to many criteria (cost, how easy to find a developer, what templates are available, what opportunities, etc.) For example, to start you can use WP, Drupal, Joomla.

If you don't know how to promote a website in search engines, then at the first stage find a specialist - he will solve a huge number of problems at the site creation stage. You can find a normal specialist for 10-15K rubles a month, but it will give you a quick start, otherwise you will float for 1-2 years in the middle of nowhere. You will also need quality content on a regular basis, which is another 3-5K per month. No links! Internal optimization + unique high-quality content.

What can you get in the aftermath?

- Selling ads (5-30K per month, not regularly).

- Selling products

- Affiliate normal brokers (5-15K per month = sometimes more).

Generally, monetisation of traffic may be different...

For example providing programming services can also bring not a bad profit...

And remember, investing in your site you invest in your business, and laying out and discussing everything here, you develop someone else's business ... (I feel bombs now someone else ...)

This is all useless gestures, the more so selling advertising and affiliate brokers. The site is created for a specific product or idea, the dummy quickly die and do not bring income, or they need to be engaged - how to go to work every day, to write a lot of meaningless posts, lure, etc.. If the product is good, you create a blog on a popular platform, buy a template (or there are plenty of free), no search engine optimization is needed, because if rpoduct with a unique name, the site will almost always by default in the top search engines + will always shine in the ratings of the platform where it was created, and this thousands of hits. + buying a domain that the site would have a normal url. All this takes 2-3 days. In total, your costs are only for the domain. Profit.

Next, spamming on all the forex forums (where you can and can not), a little advertising in direct, spamming through databases of imailniks (cheap and quite effective) with mandatory backlinks. The best optimization - it's a transition via links + the number of kaments to posts on the site from unique visitors. Search traffic to such sites is usually minimal at the start, so there is no point in optimizing. And then the site is automatically stuck in the top search engines, as content is unique, and only after that can be puzzled to add keywords to broaden the search range. Ie your first stage is generally the last thing, and the structure of sites such as blogs itself is already well sharpened for search engines.

Vladimir Pastushak:

This is the minimum cost for advertising in general, if there is no advertising then there is no need for a website.

For reference, the cost per click on the forex theme link in a google search can be as high as 3000 - 5000 roubles.

1 click on the link 3000 - 5000 rubles! I myself am shocked...

Epic. But this is for keywords like "forex". A product needs to be advertised in its niche. For example, google keywords that would be of interest to me cost a little more than free (already looked it up).


Further spamming all forex forums

Ban and delete post within minutes. Welcome to our forum. ) Spammers we like to hit in the ban. )

Sergey Golubev:

2. Social media is a separate conversation. Those who have already promoted their social media accounts on Twitter, etc. over several years of gradual promotion will find it easier. Others (who only intend to promote their newly created website in social networks) - will be very difficult: social networks are now more self-employed on the principle of "first promote social network and provide visitors to social networks, and then some of them you get back to your site.

Maxim Dmitrievsky:

It's called whatever the baby needs... giving up free promoted engines with excellent conversion rates in favour of your own site... it's like spitting in the wind :) All the major companies, in addition to their own site, are always present on free engines / social networks on a mandatory basis, because the main flow comes from there. All the more opportunities for customisation are great, and it will be indistinguishable from their own.

+ perks, like from Google. Google sites, blogger are targeting great in search engine by default, unlike your own site, which no one will ever find.

Social media is a big rubbish audience. So what if it is a large audience? The target percentage is extremely low. We work in a very narrow niche, I repeat once again: a very narrow niche. Therefore all the shambolic steps of the series "everyone is doing so" and "all the big companies..." - is the first step to failure. If I was selling some kind of bedding, or anything for young mothers - I would do so: 1) social networks 2) the hype 3) the masses 4) sales. But I sell niche products, with high added value and an extremely narrow target audience. I don't need the masses, I need a target client and a single point of sale. For the same reason, it makes no sense to engage in email spamming, not to mention that it is simply cynical.