Who has a website? Is it worth it or not to keep your own resource? - page 11

Vitalii Ananev:

I don't think anything can be earned from such a site.

for example, there is an interior design industry - there are 80 internal pages.... copied in about half a day completely.... With the first client company just orders a normal site. On the one hand this plagiarism - but on the other hand the most rational action for the first step. Yes, and no one forbids a couple of minor changes. But to fully develop something and print 80 pages of unique text - is not a cheap way to such actions that may not translate into profitability. Of course at the first request of the authors to remove the content - we will do it (if for some reason we have not received the first profit until then)

all costs are half a day + 5 quid for the domain.... instead of hosting a local computer (actually in practice is faster and better than hosting I don't know why)
Vladislav Andruschenko:

I could be wrong, but I don't think you can advertise your product. On this site. I'm talking about buying ads. But you can on your own site. Hence the conclusion. Your site is needed to direct traffic. And already from his site to give a link to the product in the market.


Alexandr Andreev:


all costs are half a day + 5 quid for the domain.... Instead of hosting a local computer (realistically faster and better than hosting I don't know why)
I agree with you too. Better less is better as they say.
Alexandr Andreev:

for example, there is an interior design branch - given interior pages of 80.... copied in about half a day completely.... With the first client company just orders a normal website. On the one hand this plagiarism - but on the other hand the most rational action for the first step. Yes, and no one forbids a couple of minor changes. But to fully develop something and print 80 pages of unique text - it's not the cheapest way for such actions that might not translate into profitability.

The fact is that in search such a site will not rise above 50 positions. According to statistics, users of search engines do not look beyond the 3rd page. And with such a site you will not get customers. Go to Yandex.webmaster. There's a site owner can fix your unique content for your site and full copying of the site on your site will not give you absolutely nothing. Moreover, for young sites your advice blatantly harmful. Another thing if you make a rewrite of all copied articles so that would get at least 80% uniqueness.

Vitalii Ananev:

The fact is that such a site will not rise above 50 positions in a search. According to statistics, users of search engines do not look beyond page 3. And with such a site you will not receive customers. Go to Yandex.webmaster. There's a site owner can fix your unique content for your site and full copying of the site on your site will not give you absolutely nothing. Moreover, for young sites your advice blatantly harmful. Another thing if you make all the rewrite copied articles so that would get at least 80% uniqueness.

It's not about promotion as an economical option.... ordinary advertising for money, so to say any kind of paid traffic (target audience all matters), the purpose to get the first profit and then do everything but with profit

Alexandr Andreev:

It's not about promotion as an economic option.... ordinary advertising for money, so to speak any kind of paid traffic (the target audience all matters), the purpose to get the first profit and then do everything but with profit

That is,if I understood you correctly,you propose to create a site with stolen content,then create an advertising campaign for this site to attract potential customers and after the first profit to remake the site?

Alexandr Andreev:

It's not about promotion as an economic option.... ordinary advertising for money, so to say any kind of paid traffic (target audience all matters), the goal is to get the first profit and then do everything but with profit

and you get banned

Vitalii Ananev:

So, if I understand you correctly, you are proposing to create a website with stolen content, then create an advertising campaign for this website to attract potential clients and, after the first profit, redo the website?

No, I'm not suggesting that... I'm talking about this option as the most economical....

i've already spent a lakh on one of my sites myself.... and it's still under construction...

in fact, I have created more than 30 websites ranging from a landing page to a 40-50 page one.... and understand the time and cost of the site and are aware of the promotion

Vladislav Andruschenko:

and you will be banned.

no,you won't get banned.... At most, there will be a prejudgment .... where we'll safely concede by deleting all the plagiarism.


do not confuse my phrases about the economy option with a call to action.... everyone has to think for themselves and act according to their conscience