Bitcoin miner - page 107

Vitaly Muzichenko:

Must be some kind of crooked "Explorer"?

No, I think it's a "miner" to attract people to the pool :)


The most important thing in mining is that the market LIVES, and the rate or where it "goes" doesn't matter!

To be fair, the exchange rate does matter. Even the rate of a bitcoin does matter.


Congratulations! Thanks :) The market is LIVING!


That's not what I'd do.

I'd buy some junk coins and wait,

for one to pop.

Like PTY, for example.

Added by

Buying a PTY for $10, now, would get .... (see table) :)

Probably the safest and most potential way to invest today :)

Vasiliy Sokolov:

To be fair, the exchange rate does matter. Even the bitcoin exchange rate does matter.

Certainly one would like to earn $130 a day rather than $65 :)


Certainly want to make $130 a day, not $65 :)

Come on, you were lucky to catch the bull market and good profits for almost 3 months. If you have time to discount your rigs before the rush dies down (not in price, but in your head), you will be in a very good profit.
Come on, you were lucky to catch the bull market and good profits for almost 3 months. If you manage to do it now while the rush is still alive (not in price, but in your mind), you'll make a good profit.

I confess that I had such an idea when, just after the New Year, the price of cards went up to 180,000 euros.

But then I thought... What should I do? There are robots working at MB, no new ideas so far.

Drip and drip...



On MB, bots are working, no new ideas, yet.

Bots on the stock exchange, a website, an ICO, a start-up...
Bots on the stock exchange, a website, an ICO, your own start-up...

Are you in?


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