Bitcoin miner - page 104


When money is uncontrollably printed (mined), inflation sets in and it depreciates. It seems to have started.

Miners all over the world are mining coins non-stop in sweat, and where to put them. That's it. The end of the movie.

Konstantin Nikitin:

What did they use, coffee grounds, or TORO cards, or what else?

Sure, hope springs eternal. But on a crypto chart, making predictions is a lost cause...

Alexandr Murzin:
When money is printed (mined) uncontrollably, inflation occurs and it depreciates. It looks like it's started.

First you need to figure out what the price is based on! And how much has been earned, by anyone? And what is the earning potential, in the future?

That is, we must consider the fundamental factor! After all, mining is not over ...

Alexandr Murzin:

Miners all over the world are mining coins non-stop in their sweats, and where to put them. That's it. The end of the movie.

That's the point. No miner, no money. After all, the idea is that miners are crypto miners!


First you need to figure out what the price is based on! And how much is earned, by someone? And what is the earning potential, in the future?

That is, we must consider the fundamental factor! After all, mining is not over...


This is the point. There is no miner, there is no money. After all, by design, miners are crypto miners!

No transfers, no creation of new blocks, no profit from mining. A miner is a burlach earning a small percentage of transactions if he is lucky enough to catch a new block.

Konstantin Nikitin:

No transfers, no creation of new blocks, no profit from mining. A miner is a burly man who gets a small percentage of transactions if he is lucky enough to catch a new block.

Has everyone given up on the crypto idea already?


Has everyone already given up on the crypto idea?

If there are at least 5 times more transactions, the idea will die.

For example, do you have 1 terabyte of free space on SSD to create complete bitcoin node?

I don't think so.

On the other hand, you will find some space on some server.

I.e., decentralization, as a basic idea of cryptocurrency, which belongs to people, not banks, is already under threat. Accordingly, mining will be banned.

On top of that - commissions are already in sight.

Question - what good does crypto bring to us, ordinary people (not miners)?

I answer - nothing good, just a lot of hassle and very slow money settlements.

No demand for crypto, no supply.
Renat Akhtyamov:

If there are at least 5 times as many transactions, the idea will die.

For example, do you have 1 terabyte of free space on SSD to create a full bitcoin node?

I don't think so.

But on a server of some kind, you will.

I.e. decentralisation as the basic idea of cryptocurrency, which belongs to people, not banks, is already under threat. Accordingly, mining will be banned.

On top of that - commissions are already in place

Unrighteous anger, lust, covetousness, error, lust, cruelty, murmuring, conceit, depression, attraction, envy, disgust, lasciviousness, desire for others, oppression,

anger - these are the vices of the Children of Man.

Renat Akhtyamov:

The question is - what good does crypto do for us ordinary people (not miners)?

The answer is nothing good, nothing but pain and very slow monetary calculations.

No demand for crypto, no supply.

But great exuberance will dull the heads of the leaders. The great Laziness and desire for others will take over their minds. And they will begin to lie to Gods and men, and will live according to their own laws,

breaking the Covenants of the One and Only Creator God. And they will use the Force of the elements to achieve their goals...


Unrighteous anger, lust, greed, delusion, lust, cruelty, murmuring, vanity, despondency, attraction, envy, aversion, lasciviousness, desire for others, oppression,

anger - these are the vices of the Children of Man.


But great exuberance will dull the heads of the leaders. Great Laziness and desire for strangers will seize their minds. And they will lie to Gods and men and live by their own laws,

breaking the Covenants of the One and Only Creator God. And they will use the Power of the Elements to achieve their goals...

Now please, after all your blah-blah-blah, give me the grounds you used for your analysis. No one is asking you for anything supernatural. There is a forecast, I would like to see what analysis it is based on.