Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 61

Sergey Golubev:

Santa Claus flying (over Alabama), captured by a Twitter user -

Good thing we don't have Father Christmas flying.

Alexandr Murzin:

It's a good thing we don't have Father Christmas flying around.

It's not evening yet...


One of our Kharkiv Christmas trees.... just a little bit out of place))))

French Boulevard shopping mall


The Clay Pot Principle.

Принцип Глиняных горшков
Принцип Глиняных горшков
  • 2015.04.10
  • Катерина Лапшина
Второй группе нужно было сделать просто как можно больше горшков, максимальное количество. Их задача была много горшков сделать, любых, и на качество не обращать внимания. Как вы думаете, какая группа в результате сделала больше качественных горшков? Та, которая работала на качество, или та, которая работала на количество? Но нет! оказалось...

In my opinion - the shortest branch post I've ever come across in the English part of the forum.

It's called EA and the text in the first post is "Bye" and the caption is "L'".

It's clear from the thread title that he wants an advisor (any kind), preferably for him personally.
The comrade has been sent to freelancing, and I think his description there will be even shorter.


Good morning.

Yuliya Vinnitskaya:

One of our Kharkiv Christmas trees.... just a little bit out of place))))

French Boulevard shopping mall

She's a beauty!

A bookshop in Tokyo


Good morning

Sergey Golubev:

A bookshop in Tokyo

I have more books at home. (and fewer sofas).

Sergey Golubev:

A very sad little verse-song, it almost made me cry ...
(by Valentin Tsehmister)

Put the hamster in a cage,
There's a cushion and sawdust in it,
But the hamster has no girl,
But there is a feeder and a drinker.
Very sad hamster live without a girlfriend,
A hamster's sad without a sweetheart
And he's not happy without a cushion,
No feeder, no drinker.
A hamster's girlfriend was given to him,
Very white and fluffy.
And the little friend chewed up the cushion
And pooped her clean drinker.
And the hamster felt sorry for the pad,
And he especially felt sorry for the drinker,
And in the dark night, he chewed up his little friend,
He buried the fluffy corpse in the sawdust.
And in the morning he was sad and sad,
for his fluffy white baby girl,
He broke his trough out of despair
And hanged himself on the twig of his cage.

Which reminds me of this one:

I gave it all I had to you...

I gave it all I had to you,
¶ I opened up my soul and you ¶
♪ trampled through it like a hut ♪
♪ And added to the emptiness ♪

I'll throw myself into the deep river
And farewell, as you called me.
You've driven me away, black-eyed,
You got me, you got me, you got me.

I've forgiven you for your lies and your deceit,
I thought you were better than you are
I gave you my talent
And now it's all gone

And when the ace of spades fell to me
I waited in vain for your letters.
Now, my love, why do you weep at my knees
at my knees weeping?

I'll throw myself into the deep river,
Oh, I can't stand it any longer.
I've fallen out of love with you, black-haired one,
I've fallen out of love with you, I've fallen out of love with you.