Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 17




Cities I've been to. Where I've longed for...

Nostalgia and light sadness.

Rustam Galkeev:


I have lived all my life in Moscow and my lifestyle and that of all my acquaintances excluded this kind of spending time as a "walk in the city".

In the last few years, Moscow has undergone a radical transformation. The pictures and videos that I have posted give a faint idea of reality: not only has everything been transformed, but all of this beauty is constantly changing for a variety of reasons, both meaningful and not so meaningful. Crowds of people. In parks, in squares, just on the streets.

The whole of Moscow has been transformed, including the courtyards. One day I will post the alley I walk down to the shop.

There is a competition for beautification of cities, and Moscow, as I recall, takes only 5th place there. The first place goes to Stavropol or Krasnodar.

So what do other Russian cities look like?

Or is this only a capital phenomenon, well a few other cities?

Take Tambov. I do not remember it in the list of well-liked cities, but it still looks very decent.

And what else is there? What cities and what do they look like?


It's gotten bad for cars - they've been slagging them off for nothing.


Moscow has really improved in recent years, and it is noticeable and pleasing,

One cannot say that improvements are everywhere, improvements are more noticeable in the new districts,

that's why if you buy/change a flat, it's better to choose new-built places,

Pikovsky neighbourhoods in general are very European looking (not advertising).


Georgia in October:

Georgia in October


Watercolour. Penguins.

Watercolour. Penguins.


A real first snow. It's melting, but it's been coming for an hour.

First snow


More city views in the first snow

First snow


Microsoft has created protection against ransomware viruses in Windows 10. But it hasn't activated it.

Microsoft создала защиту от вирусов-вымогателей в Windows 10. Но не активировала
Microsoft создала защиту от вирусов-вымогателей в Windows 10. Но не активировала
  • 2017.10.25
  • Ольга Дмитриева
В рамках обновления Fall Creators разработчики Microsoft выпустили новую функцию безопасности, которая должна противостоять распространенным сейчас вирусам-шифровальщикам. Так называемые «вымогатели» шифруют файлы пользователя, хранящиеся на компьютере, и возвращают их только после оплаты выкупа. Отключено по умолчанию Новая защитная функция...
Vladimir Karputov:

Microsoft has created protection against ransomware viruses in Windows 10. But it hasn't activated it.

Comments rejoice )):

Using computers at work, in business, is a big mistake. They are unsuitable for that. Unreliable. Unpredictable. Try to avoid it.
To clarify: I'm referring to computers of your, earthly design. The ones sold in shops on your planet.