Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 5


Here's another bloom in autumn:

Blooming in autumn


About this morning:

About the morning


Humour - with prohibition it is not humour

Very similar to the next reality!

An example from life:

A big BOSS sits at a comedy concert, and if he gets a joke, he laughs - and of course all the accompanying persons, guards, all sorts of suitors and sycophants - also laugh!

But if for some reason he doesn't laugh, the others don't laugh either...

Andrey F. Zelinsky:

I did a search for"sunrises, sunsets, clouds photos" and got so many pictures that it would take a day or even a week to go through them.

p.s. You have a really strange sense of interest and humour.

This week's best photos (among meteorologist photographers) are here on their website:

Photo Of The Week Winners 9th October 2017

That is, once a week they hold a competition for the best photos of these clouds and so on.

How to enter the competition (written on the same page):

  • One photo per tweet
  • send it to @StormHour
  • hashtags #StormHour and #POTW only
  • A brief description of the photo and location (any country I understand).

And it's all run in association with the Royal Meteorological Society (UK).


I mean, they've got meteorologists there not just on TV, but also doing projects like this.

StormHour Photo Of The Week Winners 9th October 2017
StormHour Photo Of The Week Winners 9th October 2017
The weekly #StormHour Photo Of The Week Winners 9th October 2017 - plus the best of the rest. Thanks to Royal Met Society. Weather Photography

Rainbow in Austin/Texas town

Sergey Golubev:

This week's best photos (among meteorological photographers) are ...

That's understandable -- interesting and humour in what?

You've created a new thread, announced that there's no political shit here -- super interesting and super humor.

I went there and there were only banal pictures of clouds, autumn -- what thousands of them you can see on search engines.

So I'm concluding that your sense of interest and humour is peculiar, at the level of "uninteresting interesting and unhumorous humour".


Caldy Island (Wales)


For example, this photo from Scotland was in the competition -

and this one from Ireland (but these photos didn't win any prizes, because I guess the clouds are ordinary there, i.e. - the weather, not the beach-nature is of interest):


And this is the kind of photo they call Shaw (the clouds formed over the sea and then disappeared and the sun appeared):


Here's an interesting job - observing and photographing clouds (then classifying them, predicting their movement, etc.).