Interesting and humorous (politics and history banned) - page 106

Sergey Golubev:

And the last one is from Alex (British photographer Alex Howitt) -
is St Mark's Square in Venice.
Flood. The photo appeared on Alex's Facebook page yesterday, so I think there's still water there.
Or maybe those Italians are still sitting there.

Very interesting photo.

If you can, please put this picture in the archive


Continuing the theme of young photographers -
Photo by Ana Tatret -

Ana Tatret

Sergey Golubev:

Continuing the theme of young photographers -
Photo by Ana Tatret -

And that's from Anja too -

Ana Tatret

Sergey Golubev:

And that's from Anya, too -

I'm seeing double.

Evgeny Belyaev:

I'm seeing double.

I was about to go into the screen settings - I was about to run an error scan :)

An artist has created a car jam with 66 cars out of sand.

On the oceanfront in Miami, artist Leandro Ehrlich has completed his biggest work of art yet - an installation in sand in the form of 66 cars. The Argentinean has titled his work "Order of Significance".

It took two years, 330 tons of sand and more than a million dollars to prepare and make the sand figures themselves. The money was raised thanks to sponsors and donations, of which $300,000 was allocated by the City of Miami.

All sculptures exactly replicate the appearance and size of real cars. For example there is a Land Rover Freelander, Dodge Neon, Ford Focus and Chrysler PT Cruiser among them.

Apart from referring to the problem of overloaded roads, the work is intended to be a reminder of human impact on climate change. This is why some of the cars in this installation go into the sand, indicating rising ocean levels caused by global warming.

Vladimir Karputov:
An artist has created a traffic jam with 66

In addition to referring to the problem of congested roads, the work is intended to be a reminder of man's impact on climate change. This is why some of the cars in this installation go into the sand, indicating rising ocean levels caused by global warming.

I wonder if there is a medical diagnosis that fits such artists? 'Referring to the problem', 'about human impact on climate change' - because these installations do not address the problems voiced in any way.

Vladimir Tkach:
Reference to the problem', 'about man's impact on climate change' - because these installations do not solve the problems voiced.

it's just a popular topic

I can't recall a single environmentalist who came on foot, without clothes - covered with burlap, without a phone, without the internet, without denying media coverage - all of the above (clothing, transportation, electronics, media broadcasting....) requires a lot of energy, which is a source of environmental degradation

HH: even the availability of food is the manufacture of machinery, the use of fuels and lubricants, the use of fertilizers.... or alternatively, an environmentalist should cultivate cucumbers and tomatoes with a stick and cut cereals with a sickle to feed the family farm - then I believe that the man is trying to change something and cares deeply about climate change )))))

Igor Makanu:

it's just a popular topic

I can't recall a single environmentalist who came on foot, without clothes - covered with burlap, without a phone, without the internet, without denying media coverage - all of the above (clothing, transport, electronics, media broadcasting....) requires a lot of energy, which is a source of environmental degradation

HH: even the availability of food is the manufacture of machinery, the use of fuels and lubricants, the use of fertilizers.... As an option, an environmentalist should grow cucumbers and tomatoes with a stick and cut cereals with a sickle to feed the family farm - then I believe that the man really tries to change something and cares deeply about climate change )))))

It looks like the rise of a new religion, a variant of paganism at a new level. Even your claims about them are quite similar to those usually made against religious figures.

Aleksey Nikolayev:

It looks like the emergence of some new religion - some variant of paganism on a new level. Even your claims about them are quite similar to those usually made against religious people.

I disagree.

I try to evaluate "someone else's concern for the universal well-being" from the position "don't you get too greedy".

SZZY: this position amazes me when I hear heated debates at work between working pensioners and young employees with underage children, the first ones can't get enough of life, the second ones grind their teeth on hearing familiar names in the media